Ignition problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mike Ilk, Jul 15, 2003.

  1. Mike Ilk

    Mike Ilk Guest

    Got an 85' Civic sedan, and whenever it rains, the car won't start. After it
    has a couple days to dry out, it runs fine. I don't SEE any moisture in the
    distributor at all. Anyone else ever have/hear of this problem?
    Mike Ilk, Jul 15, 2003
  2. Mike Ilk

    Guest Guest

    Sounds like you have a cracked distributor cap (you may not see water but it
    might be there) or some crack insulation in the wiring. I would go ahead and
    replace cap and maybe plug wires to. Doesn't this thing have an ignition
    coil too? look there for moisture getting in.
    Guest, Jul 18, 2003
  3. Mike Ilk

    Mike Ilk Guest

    I guess I should clarify something. It DOES have new cap, rotor, plugs and
    wires on it. We actually have a couple of cars (both 85 Civics. One the
    sedan, one a wagon) with the same problem. We have talked to a couple of
    dealers, and they're even stumped on this one. Believe me, if I did
    something like not change the cap, I wouldn't have bothered posting ;)
    Mike Ilk, Jul 19, 2003
  4. Mike Ilk

    John D. Guest

    Then say so next time...right up front.

    HTH are we supposed to know what you did do or didn't do? People here
    aren't mind readers.

    John D.
    John D., Jul 20, 2003
  5. Mike Ilk

    Mike Ilk Guest

    Sorry, I screwed up, I admit it

    Mike Ilk, Jul 21, 2003
  6. Mike Ilk

    John D. Guest

    You're not alone...we all do.

    John D.

    John D., Jul 21, 2003
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