Ignition updates to the Unofficial FAQ

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TeGGeR®, May 28, 2005.

  1. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Then how do you explain this?
    Look a the text immediately below the title.

    Then I'm still looking for a definitive answer.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 4, 2005
  2. ----- Original Message -----
    From: "TeGGeR®" <0m>
    Newsgroups: rec.autos.makers.honda,alt.autos.acura,alt.autos.honda
    Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 8:37 AM
    Subject: Re: Ignition updates to the Unofficial FAQ

    That was how Jim got into the semantic trap to start with. The ECU supplies
    a low current ground to pin 4, which grounds an input on the IC, but the
    main ground - the one the coil current flows through - is the one shown in
    the lower right corner of the ignitor; the metal body of the ignitor itself.
    The current from pin 4 is undoubtedly in the range of 1 ma.

    Michael Pardee, Jun 4, 2005
  3. ----- Original Message -----
    From: "TeGGeR®" <0m>
    Newsgroups: rec.autos.makers.honda,alt.autos.acura,alt.autos.honda
    Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 8:37 AM
    Subject: Re: Ignition updates to the Unofficial FAQ

    That was how Jim got into the semantic trap to start with. The ECU supplies
    a low current ground to pin 4, which grounds an input on the IC, but the
    main ground - the one the coil current flows through - is the one shown in
    the lower right corner of the ignitor; the metal body of the ignitor itself.
    The current from pin 4 is undoubtedly in the range of 1 ma.

    Michael Pardee, Jun 4, 2005
  4. TeGGeR®

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Yes,the ECU signal is a normally HI,LO(ground)-to-enable signal.

    Jim Yanik, Jun 4, 2005
  5. TeGGeR®

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Yes,the ECU signal is a normally HI,LO(ground)-to-enable signal.

    Jim Yanik, Jun 4, 2005
  6. TeGGeR®

    Randolph Guest

    Yes, that is what I meant, and that is what the data sheet shows.
    I did some more digging, and you are right, it is not an opto-coupler.
    It is indeed a chip for controlling ignition coils. It is made by
    Telefunken / TEMIC, and they had a family of 3: U2225B is used when the
    input is from an inductive sensor, U2226B is intended for use with a
    microcontroller / microprocessor and U2227B is used when the chip is
    connected directly to an optical sensor. I have not had any luck finding
    the data sheet for this part.
    Randolph, Jun 5, 2005
  7. TeGGeR®

    Randolph Guest

    Yes, that is what I meant, and that is what the data sheet shows.
    I did some more digging, and you are right, it is not an opto-coupler.
    It is indeed a chip for controlling ignition coils. It is made by
    Telefunken / TEMIC, and they had a family of 3: U2225B is used when the
    input is from an inductive sensor, U2226B is intended for use with a
    microcontroller / microprocessor and U2227B is used when the chip is
    connected directly to an optical sensor. I have not had any luck finding
    the data sheet for this part.
    Randolph, Jun 5, 2005
  8. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I've removed the innards of the igniter from the graphics and will add that
    body round later on, changing the yellow and orange lines around to suit.

    Since the workings are far more detailed than I had originally imagined, I
    will leave the igniter as a "here be dragons" blank box until somebody else
    decides to supply a correct schematic for me to copy.

    Thanks very much to all.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 6, 2005
  9. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I've removed the innards of the igniter from the graphics and will add that
    body round later on, changing the yellow and orange lines around to suit.

    Since the workings are far more detailed than I had originally imagined, I
    will leave the igniter as a "here be dragons" blank box until somebody else
    decides to supply a correct schematic for me to copy.

    Thanks very much to all.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 6, 2005
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