Immobilizer failure in Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by serb, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. serb

    serb Guest

    Immobilizer in my Honda Accord LX Sedan 2003 failed twice over last 1.5
    year. Both times the car had to be towed to the dealership. First time
    they retrained original immobilizer, last time they had to replace
    immobilizer with a new one. Frustrated...
    Anyone has run into this issue and can offer any advice?
    Thank you.
    serb, Mar 6, 2006
  2. serb

    Art Guest

    Check your manual. On my 2001 Avalon, the manual warned that if you have 2
    cars with special keys which use a chip for the security system, if you let
    the wrong key too close to the ignition it can screw up the car and it won't
    run. One time my 99 300M would not start. It was towed to the dealer and
    started fine for them and ran ever since. I believe the 2001 Avalon key
    confused it. Was unaware of the issue until much later.
    Art, Mar 7, 2006
  3. serb

    serb Guest

    Thanks Art, But I never had two special keys to keep close. I think it
    was a genuine immobilizer failure.
    serb, Mar 7, 2006
  4. serb

    Woody Guest

    They did a typical dealer fix the first time, Reset it and it may work til
    out of warranty. They should have replaced the immobilizer the first time it
    lost the codes.....
    Woody, Mar 7, 2006
  5. serb

    serb Guest

    Thanks, Woody. I agree: I do not think the dealership did a good job
    first time.
    However, my concern now is that I do not know what caused the
    immobilizer to fail and that thing may cause new immobilizer to fail
    again even though the dealership boys have provided their assurances
    that they checked everything…
    serb, Mar 8, 2006
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