Import owners are to blame for the recession

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by buydomestic, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. buydomestic

    edspyhill01 Guest

    Duh! Watch the video, sparky.
    edspyhill01, Dec 7, 2008
  2. buydomestic

    edspyhill01 Guest

    "Jap cars"???? For someone who claims to be a minority you sure are
    racially insulting.

    Stop top-posting.
    edspyhill01, Dec 7, 2008
  3. buydomestic

    Marko Guest

    Amen! And don't forget Ford's manufacturing plant in Brazil.

    This is not about Brazil, its about America. Are from Brazil?
    Marko, Dec 7, 2008
  4. Duh! Watch the video, sparky.


    Hunter's too busy with his career:
    JoeSpareBedroom, Dec 7, 2008
  5. buydomestic

    Marko Guest

    Cut the BS. GM Ford and Chrysler have been sanction right here in America
    for almost 100 years. So just stop the BS double talk.
    Marko, Dec 7, 2008
  6. buydomestic

    Marko Guest

    i would not mind buying american cars again only if they can produce
    quality like Honda and Toyota
    until they can they and their UNIONS can go and $$$$ themselfs.
    they still have not learned from their own mistakes, they just keep
    producing the same old SHIT.

    You mean the quality like my Moms old Toyota, so many problems even before
    reacing 80k miles. Ended up selling it to the mechanic. Fit and finish wise
    it was no different from any other car of the day. This being the late 80s.
    Marko, Dec 7, 2008
  7. buydomestic

    AJL Guest

    My Chevy Suburban was made in Mexico. My Honda was made in the USA.
    Both have parts made all over the world. What exactly is an American
    AJL, Dec 7, 2008
  8. buydomestic

    Marko Guest

    On average Japanese cars cost more. If you remove the name plates from most
    cars and just drive them most would be satisfied. Its just that so many
    people take hype as gospel. I know one person who says she doesnt like to
    even be seen in an American car, why I asked her, she gave a basic response
    that they were junk. I asked her what she owned, oh but she never owned a
    car at all, she was 19 or 20 or so. I asked what her parents had, she said
    they have alway had toyotas, nissans or whatever, never American. So there
    you go... the epitamy of ignorance abounds. I hope you are not caught up in
    it. Its like rap music, the most F'ed up music ever, with no talent
    performers spewing filthy lyrics with no melody and a violent beat, yet a
    generation of people know it really sucks but they listen just to be
    considered cool. Then they actually start to beleieve its good. Weak minds
    make weak souls.
    Marko, Dec 7, 2008
  9. Cost more to buy? Cost more to maintain?

    I've had two American cars which threatened to cost me my job because my
    boss got tired of the excuses for me being late or absent. Maybe that cost
    should be factored in.
    JoeSpareBedroom, Dec 7, 2008
  10. buydomestic

    Guest Guest

    BS doubletalk.... is that like all the parts that have labels saying they
    were made somewhere else? Or is that BS doubletalk like in "forget thefacts,
    we're great simply because we're great"...

    Rhetoric is useless... you really need to consider what you say...

    Would you consider me to be patriotic if I bought a Fusion?
    Guest, Dec 7, 2008
  11. buydomestic

    Marko Guest

    And we support Al Qaeda and all world-wide terrorists too, right?
    Butthead. You must work directly or indirectly for an automaker.

    No..wrong asshole, I just try to buy American when possible. I try to keep
    as much of my money possible home. Instead of sending major profits half way
    around the globe.
    Marko, Dec 7, 2008
  12. buydomestic

    Cathy F. Guest

    You're talking to someone who owned a '72 Duster, followed by a '76 Datsun
    B-210, and then 4 Toyota Corollas, starting in '84 -> the present. The
    writing was on the wall by the mid-70's, but Detroit turned a blind eye &
    just kept cranking out large &/or not-all-that-reliable &/or poorly designed
    models. At this point I have no plans to go back to an American name brand
    car. Next one will likely be an other Toyota - maybe a Prius, although a
    Honda would be just as wise of a purchase. Both comapnies produce well made,
    economical, & as far as cars go, relatively good resale/trade-in values.

    Cathy F., Dec 7, 2008
  13. buydomestic

    Marko Guest

    Here we go again....Chevy registered and sanctioned right here in the US.
    Honda is japanese company registered in Japan. If GM decides to build Chevys
    on Mars its still classified as a US production. You can think NAFTA for the
    Suburban being built in Mexico.
    Marko, Dec 7, 2008
  14. buydomestic

    HLS Guest

    Very logical...The Big 3 should maybe listen to the customer more.

    I have no doubt the Big 3 can compete in quality and design if they wish to
    do so, and if they market their products well, they should be competitive.

    But talking isnt always doing. Do, Big 3
    HLS, Dec 7, 2008
  15. buydomestic

    News Guest

    Maybe, when they value our business and loyalty, not just our bailout.
    News, Dec 7, 2008
  16. buydomestic

    Cathy F. Guest

    With so much on the line, one has to wonder... why *haven't* they
    accomplished the "do"??

    Cathy F., Dec 7, 2008
  17. buydomestic

    edspyhill01 Guest

    Ford owns a plant in Brazil. Ford makes cars in South America to be
    sold in S.A. and Europe and the US. They don't make the cars here to
    be exported. Ford and the other US car makers are multinational

    Having a problem following the discussion?
    edspyhill01, Dec 7, 2008
  18. buydomestic

    edspyhill01 Guest

    What a skilled polemicist you are! Your premise and argument were DOA
    before you clicked Send.
    edspyhill01, Dec 7, 2008
  19. buydomestic

    edspyhill01 Guest

    How many times did she have the oil changed, once, twice?
    edspyhill01, Dec 7, 2008
  20. buydomestic

    edspyhill01 Guest

    Only if American workers build it. Oh what, I get it. If you took
    that logical position then Hondas and Toyotas made in America would be
    American cars. The backward bend HAS to hurt.
    edspyhill01, Dec 7, 2008
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