Incessant Buzz/Beep

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by T R, May 13, 2004.

  1. T R

    T R Guest

    I drove my car to work this morning, then an hour or two later got in
    to go get some doughnuts and it had this buzzing/beeping noise that
    seems to be coming from the area of the radio/CD deck. The faceplate
    for my stereo was stolen ages ago, so the deck doesn't work. I pulled
    the radio fuse, and the noise persists. Also, the oil and seatbelt
    lights are on, even when I have the seatbelt on. Also the brake light
    has been coming on intermittently while driving without the P brake
    engaged. Also, my low beam headlights ceased to function, both of them
    at the same time. The fuses for the L and R lowbeam are good. Can
    anyone advise me what has possessed my honda? If its something I need
    to take it in for, I don't mind, but if its something simple like too
    many beautiful women in it in the past week(yea right!) I'll fix it
    T R, May 13, 2004
  2. You should tell us the year, model etc.

    From what you describe, my first guess would be a poor connection at a
    ground point to the body. It could easily explain the instrument cluster
    issues, and, since the relay for the headlights is energized from the
    switch in the stalk on the steering column it's not too much of a stretch
    that the headlights don't work (odd that the high beams would work though...)

    I wouldn't live with it like that for very long at all. You're supposed to
    have working headlights, and the oil light being on should make you
    concerned that you have no coverage in case a real low oil pressure issue

    Arthur Russell, May 15, 2004
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