Initial Pilot oil change

Discussion in 'Pilot' started by Jim85CJ, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. Jim85CJ

    Jim85CJ Guest

    I have a new Pilot EX. The dealer put a sticker in the window that says
    to change the oil at 3750 miles. The owners manual says 7500 miles. I
    called the service department where I got the pilot and the guy there
    said 3750 miles for the first one. I called another local Honda service
    department and said the first change is 7500 miles. When is the first
    oil change???
    Jim85CJ, Aug 24, 2004
  2. Jim85CJ

    Robert Guest

    What makes you think the dealer wants you to comeback sooner?
    Read the owners manual, that's your answer.
    Robert, Aug 24, 2004
  3. Jim85CJ

    Jim85CJ Guest

    I called a 3rd dealer and he said 5000 LOL...
    Jim85CJ, Aug 24, 2004
  4. I am doing my '04 Odyssey at 2500. and that has been 4 months with the
    initial oil. they told me to not worry about milage if it isn't driven
    enough. By I was told the 3750 number also for normal driving habits.

    Scott Van Nest, Aug 24, 2004
  5. Jim85CJ

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Go with the 7,500 miles. It's what Honda recommends. Dealer wants to see
    you way too soon.

    Try for (lots of) confirmation..

    motsco_ _, Aug 24, 2004
  6. Jim85CJ

    Rex B Guest

    ||I have a new Pilot EX. The dealer put a sticker in the window that says
    ||to change the oil at 3750 miles. The owners manual says 7500 miles. I
    ||called the service department where I got the pilot and the guy there
    ||said 3750 miles for the first one. I called another local Honda service
    ||department and said the first change is 7500 miles. When is the first
    ||oil change???

    The first change is the most important. It's the one that catches any debris
    from the manufacturing process - metal machining chip, casting sand etc. My
    rule is 3000 miles or less. After that go with the owners manual. I use
    synthetic at 5000 miles.

    Texas Parts Guy
    Rex B, Aug 24, 2004
  7. Jim85CJ

    Larry Guest

    No matter waht you ultimately do, leave the initial oil in there longer as
    it is a special "break-in" oil. After that has been replaced, go with an
    interval that suits your comfort factor. Technology has improved oil where
    a 4,000 - 5,000 mi interval is now being suggested instead of the
    traditional 3,000 mile interval. My dealer here uses 3,750-4,000 miles
    depending on the tech, and for me, its easier to remember 4,000.
    Larry, Aug 24, 2004
  8. I have a new Pilot EX. The dealer put a sticker in the window that says
    Simple, just add the two together, 7500+3750= 11,250.

    Do not write below this line. Reserved for me.
    He Hate Retard and Moron, Aug 24, 2004
  9. Jim85CJ

    Jim85CJ Guest

    you are still a jackass I see...
    Jim85CJ, Aug 24, 2004
  10. Jim85CJ

    _chris_ Guest

    Didn't you know that most newsgroup have them.

    There's also some moron in the msn groups. I swear people should get
    outside more often than sit behind a computer.

    On to be back on topic

    I would go with what's in your owners manual. Just by calling a couple
    other honda dealerships you already found conflicting answers re: first oil
    _chris_, Aug 24, 2004
  11. Jim85CJ

    Tim Burr Guest

    I would go with what the owners manual reads. We just got a new CR-V and
    the manual says 10K between oil changes & every other oil change for the
    filter. It's hard for me to believe ten thousand miles between oil
    changes. Hopefully, Honda knows best when it come to their engines.
    After all they are warranted..
    Tim Burr, Aug 24, 2004
  12. Jim85CJ

    TWW Guest

    I would avoid that Honda dealer. My dealer's service manager told me that
    Honda had put out an advisory that the oild change on our Pilot was not to
    be until 7500 miles because of the break-in oil used.
    TWW, Aug 25, 2004
  13. Jim85CJ

    Woody Guest

    Yep, they are warranted for three years and 36k miles. A worn engine won't
    show up in that time. Chances are not changing it at all in that time won't
    cause any problems....
    Woody, Aug 25, 2004
  14. Jim85CJ

    TomP Guest

    The "Blurb" below is straight from Honda Service News September '98: This is
    still Honda's current recommendation.

    Don’t Replace Original Engine Oil Too Soon

    On all Hondas (except Passport), the original engine oil
    contains additives to protect the engine during its
    break-in period. Since these additives aren’t in
    over-the-counter oils, make sure the first oil change
    happens at the recommended mileage/time interval, and
    not before.


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    TomP, Aug 28, 2004
  15. Jim85CJ

    Jim85CJ Guest

    OK. The book says 7500; the dealer sticker on the window says 3750...
    Jim85CJ, Aug 28, 2004
  16. Jim85CJ

    TomP Guest

    Follow the Owner's Manual recommendation, for YOUR driving conditions. Change
    it sooner if you consider your driving conditions to fall into the severe
    category. Otherwise, save the time, spend the (saved) money on going out to

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    TomP, Aug 30, 2004
  17. Jim85CJ

    TomP Guest

    Follow the Owner's Manual recommendation, for YOUR driving conditions. Change
    it sooner if you consider your driving conditions to fall into the severe
    category. Otherwise, save the time, spend the (saved) money on going out to

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    TomP, Aug 30, 2004
  18. Jim85CJ

    Guest Guest

    I'd go with 3750 .
    Guest, Aug 31, 2004
  19. Jim85CJ

    Jim85CJ Guest


    Jim85CJ, Aug 31, 2004
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