Install Rear View Mirror on 1990 Accord LX

Discussion in 'Accord' started by k-man, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. k-man

    k-man Guest


    I have a 1990 Accord LX. I need to replace the inside rear view
    mirror. I have a replacement mirror and could swap them if I could
    just get to the screws. The mirror's mounted on the underside of the
    roof. The screws are hidden by a cap. The cap's pretty tight and
    nicely flush with the roof liner. I tried prying the cap slightly but
    it looked like it wanted to start bending out of shape rather than
    easily pop off. Any suggestions? Do I need to slide the cap in one
    direction or another vs. trying to pop it off?

    k-man, Mar 6, 2006
  2. k-man

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    I can't remember how the cover snaps off, but look at the "new" one and
    it should give you a hint on what to do. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Mar 6, 2006
  3. k-man

    k-man Guest

    I can't remember how the cover snaps off, but look at the "new" one and
    Thanks. But the new one provides no help. I can see how many screws
    I'll be dealing with once I get the cover off; but it doesn't reveal
    how the cover comes off.

    k-man, Mar 6, 2006
  4. k-man

    G-Man Guest

    Maybe this will help some:

    G-Man, Mar 6, 2006
  5. k-man

    k-man Guest

    Maybe this will help some:
    Thanks. Looks like a very small screw driver or, even better, a small,
    hooked piece of metal would do the trick. Thanks.

    k-man, Mar 7, 2006
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