Insurance problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mhbakerphotos, May 4, 2006.

  1. Good morning

    I was involved in a hit & run accident back on November 30th, 2005
    the following is a description of what happened, and the troubles
    faced since then getting my car fixed. Please keep in mind I'm
    totally disabled (not due to the accident) and therefore can not afford
    any attorney

    I didn't want to place this through my insurance since I wasn't the
    cause - and Geico Insurance (my insurance company) didn't assist in
    directing me on
    what to do, or who was the name of the other party once they came
    to collect from their insurance company.

    On November 30th 2005, I was traveling North bound on Elmwood Ave. in
    Buffalo, NY - the weather was cloudy but the streets were dry. At
    2:20PM while I was approaching the intersection of Elmwood Ave & Allen
    SUV was waiting for me to past - they were turning left (east bound)
    as I
    entered the intersection and out from behind this SUV a car appeared
    turning left (east bound) right in front of me.

    I had slammed on the brakes and could not in any other way avoid this

    accident - regrettably no one bothered to stop acting as a witness in
    fairly busy intersection. Within a minute or two my neck seized up and
    thankfully the fire station is on the next corner and help quickly
    Within 3-4 minutes of this accident I was rushed to Buffalo General
    Hospital. By the time the emergency got there the car that caused the
    accident already fled - the police (District B - police report # 05

    3340453) wrote this up as a Hit & Run.

    Now shortly after that I received a call from New York Central
    company that their client (no name was given) was involved in an
    and that they wanted to verify if I was the other car. There client
    actually went to the police station for a copy of this stunt, and then
    called their insurance company. They did have to show ID and they were
    given the police report with no questioned asked. Once the insurance
    company established that I was the other car - they basically said have
    nice day and hung up. Now I was still stranded not knowing who to go
    or to report. Within a week this insurance company did send out an
    appraiser and they gave me the impression that they were taking full
    responsibility which turned out to be a joke.

    Their appraiser came to the conclusion that $900+ was my damage -
    thinking that they would be paying this I was rather discontent when I
    received a letter on 2/8/05 indicating they would only pay $479.70
    they believe I was half of the problem - me, driving and having the
    light and the right of way. At that point I attempted to gather
    on whom to go after since the city of Buffalo small claims office told
    me I
    couldn't sue another's insurance company.

    Not to long after that I talked to the accident investigator and
    out the other parties name. Now why getting his name was such a problem

    I'll never know. Let's face it - if I wasn't taken to the
    hospital I would
    have known that day - if it wasn't a hit and run. We would have
    info and that would have been it. What really blew my mind was that no

    charges could or would be filed against this guy since I was able to
    the hospital the same day, just with a very sore and still troublesome
    pain that I have told my Doctor.

    Not being an attorney nor being able to afford one since I'm
    disabled I filed a claim against the other cars registered owner in
    small claims thinking that they would have their insurance company
    there to represent them and that was mistaken. The owner of the car,
    and the driver were the only ones there. We each spoke to the judge and
    since I wasn't thinking, I never brought in photos to prove my case
    - just 3 estimates ranging from 1300 - to nearly $1800. The court
    ended up rewarding me $825 which now means I have to file a Trial De
    Novo to go back and to prove my case completely. Shortly after that I
    received a letter from New York Central Mutual Company indicating that
    since "I" didn't notify them of my court action - that they are
    no longer responsible.

    That is why I'm contacting you and everyone else I can think of. I
    hard copies if you need them, and I will be calling your office within
    week's time.

    Thank you in advance;

    Mark H. Baker
    772 Richmond Ave
    Buffalo, NY 14222

    New York Central Mutual
    Fire Insurance Co.
    PO Box 737
    Sherburne, NY 13460

    Policy # T549475
    mhbakerphotos, May 4, 2006
  2. mhbakerphotos

    TeGGeR® Guest

    wrote in

    Public Defender / Legal Aid.

    Then you won't be penalized, no?
    TeGGeR®, May 5, 2006
  3. mhbakerphotos

    Art Guest

    You are obligated to report all accidents to your insurance company even if
    they are not your fault. Sometimes even after a party admits fault they
    change their mine and sue you. If you haven't reported the accident your
    insurance may not help protect you or pay up. Check your policy. It is a

    Many lawyers will handle accidents on contigency. Check your phone book. A
    call by the lawyer will probably get the guy charged with hit and run. The
    judge will probably make him pay up to avoid jail time.
    Art, May 7, 2006
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