integra help

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kenny b, Sep 14, 2003.

  1. kenny b

    kenny b Guest

    I have a Acura Integra (89) with a 1.4 engine. I'm trying to get the
    harmonic balancer bolt off, could someone tell me if its a reg. thrd or a
    left hand thrd.
    thanks, kenny b
    kenny b, Sep 14, 2003
  2. kenny b

    Eric Guest

    The crank pulley bolt has regular right hand threads (counter clockwise to
    loosen). You will either need a strong impact gun or a pulley holding tool if
    you're trying to loosen it by hand. If the '89 integra does not have the 50 mm
    hex opening for the pulley holding tool (available at places like Tool Town),
    then you can fabricate a tool to fit in the holes in the pulley. Essentially,
    you get a length of angle iron (about 2 feet or so) or other sturdy steel and
    drill two holes in it. For my '88 Civic I drilled the holes 3 inches apart.
    This allowed the bolts inserted through the steel to lock into the holes
    skipping a hole in between. On my Civic the holes are 12 mm in diameter. You
    can use 12 mm bolts or you may have better luck using 7/16 inch bolts (11.11 mm)
    as they will allow for a little margin of error with respect to the location of
    the holes you drilled in the steel bar. Try to use fine threaded bolts. You
    can even use some heat shrink tubing over the bolts to help protect the pulley.
    Another option is to thread some nuts onto the bolts from the back side of the
    pulley to help hold it but be sure not to over tighten them, just hand tight.

    Another option which is less successful is to clamp an old alternator belt
    around the pulley with vise grips. You then clamp the other end to the
    suspension. Sometimes, if you're lucky, this works. Other times, the belt just
    breaks. I personally think you'll be better off going with a pulley holding

    Eric, Sep 15, 2003
  3. kenny b

    kenny b Guest

    thank u ... for your help... im gunna take ur ideas n hope they work!
    kenny b, Sep 15, 2003
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