Integra LS 98 - Oil Soaked On Spark Plug in Cylinder # 2

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Integra LS, May 16, 2004.

  1. Integra LS

    Integra LS Guest

    Hey Good Morning All,

    I changed my spark plugs myself yesterday for the 1st time. All the
    spark plugs except one looked great. The spark plug in cylinder # 2
    (second cylinder closest to driver side) was soaked in oil. The car
    started fine and idles fine. I had noticed a drop in performance but
    after the spark plug change it seemed back to normal.

    What could that spark plug mean or be telling me? The car starts fine
    and runs with no hesitation. It appears the spark plug is still
    detonating properly and is in working order. Like I said the other
    spark plugs looked perfectly fine, except that one soaked in oil.

    I've heard it could be anything from a gasket to an O ring (what is
    that anyways?) by reading the news group. I hope someone could provide
    some more detailed information on what it could be or what is causing
    and the level of severity in getting this fixed. Is this a Do It
    YourSelf Job and if it is how long would it take ? I appreciate any
    help anyone could provide on this. Thanks !
    Integra LS, May 16, 2004
  2. Integra LS

    E. Meyer Guest

    Which end of it is soaked in oil? The end that goes inside the engine, or
    the outside when the spark plug wire connects?

    If it's inside, you have a big problem. If it's on the outside of the plug,
    take off the valve cover and replace the gaskets, especially the one
    surrounding that particular spark plug hole.
    E. Meyer, May 16, 2004
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