Inviting every hybrid owners in Seattle to prove us wrong.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by GasSaver, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. GasSaver

    GasSaver Guest

    We have transformed regular vehicles into hybrid-like vehicles for only 4%
    of a hybrid cost. Not only that, the horse power is increased nearly 2X.

    Although we got 60-65mpg on our 2-ton Mercedes-Benz C280, we only claim
    50mpg. On a bad traffic day it's doing 42mpg while a hybrid doing
    25-32mpg. Over 20,000 miles have been tested. Please prove us wrong by
    bringing your hybrid to compare, we'll give you a special discount for
    helping us help America, please email to
    participate in a comparison (for Seattle hybrid owners only).

    PS. In terms of power, we beat all BMW's series, and toe-to-toe with 2006
    Dodge Charger Police. The best of all, we save fuel by as much as 2X.

    Thank you for helping America reducing foreign oil dependency.
    GasSaver, Apr 12, 2009
  2. GasSaver

    Stan Guest

    Good for a laugh, but I have a headache from the crappy spelling, grammar
    and general b.s.
    Stan, Apr 12, 2009
  3. GasSaver

    GasSaver Guest

    Come on Satan, can you speak Japanese? or any foreign language better than
    my English.

    A good laugh back at the ignorance.
    GasSaver, Apr 13, 2009
  4. GasSaver

    GasSaver Guest

    Good for you, I hope you didn't order a rebuilt water-pump, sellers always
    lie to you about their parts meeting the oem spec. I went through Schuck's
    whole inventory, they have the same terrible frictions on their
    water-pumps. Be sure you can turn the rotor of a water-punmp up to 18
    turns. 3 turns is not acceptible. At Optimum Fuel Systems, we find
    problems like this for people, people who don't understand us call us
    "snake oil", that's why we can improve the car's performance substantially.
    GasSaver, Apr 13, 2009
  5. actually, it's people who do understand you who call you snake oil.
    Michelle Steiner, Apr 13, 2009
  6. Bernie Madoff? Is that you?
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 14, 2009
  7. GasSaver

    GasSaver Guest

    On LSD Gordon?


    Full tank = 400 miles @ 50MPG Why?? :( - PriusChat Forums
    I've never seen the first bubble go to blinking so fast before. ..... Drove
    42 miles, and still on full tank! busyrosy, <<< Very poor...

    My green Mercedes-Benz C280, Full tank = 740 miles @ 58MPG Drove
    68 miles, and still on full tank! busyrosy, Power Equal to Police Car.
    "Optimum Fuel Systems" did it.

    Even if you can go with your 2010 Prius for 640 miles you''ll still will be
    a loser.

    I see I already beat you in both power and fuel efficiency. Let's raise in
    front of the medias. Prove me wrong and I won't come back to bother you.

    Let's start from Seattle or Portland, going toward California, see who will
    get there first and who will run out of fuel first.

    Go ahead and contact the medias to schedule the date and email me.

    GasSaver, Apr 14, 2009
  8. Why should any of us give a charlatan any free publicity?
    Michelle Steiner, Apr 14, 2009
  9. GasSaver

    Pszemol Guest

    But what exactly you are trying to compare?
    A custom made car to a factory mass produced vehicle?

    Come back to do the comparison if you make yours a factory produced,
    available to be purchased and serviced car with a known in advance price
    Pszemol, Apr 14, 2009

  10. Just a general observation here, a friend has been fiddlin' with
    hydrogen assist and insists that he's getting better than 30mpg in an
    older Suburban...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 15, 2009
  11. GasSaver

    Was Istoben Guest

    Today I read that the University of North Dakota has solved the hydrogen
    infrastructure problem. You can read about their work here:

    I poked around their site a bit without finding out what happens to the
    carbon. Obviously making hydrogen from gasoline and ethanol doesn't address
    the peak oil problem or the ethanol acreage problem, but it may mitigate
    climate change. At a minimum, solving the infrastructure problem will let
    hydrogen powered cars move mainstream while alternative techniques are
    Was Istoben, Apr 15, 2009
  12. My red Acura - tank empty = 2000 miles @ infinity mpg and the tank is
    now full. Power = the Space Shuttle. Me laughing at you did it.
    Tomorrow you will claim your C280 did better than my Acura.

    Hey dipshit. If you can prove what you say, why aren't you on TV
    rather than on usenet?
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 15, 2009
  13. GasSaver

    Ttoommy Guest

    Yeah Yeah Yeah

    If its SO GREAT then why don't manufacturers do it? they'd sell every
    vehicle they could produce twice over i.e 2X ;-~~)
    Ttoommy, Apr 19, 2009
  14. GasSaver

    GasSaver Guest

    You just claim you can do thing without resources. Any one with common
    sense knows that's impractical.

    Here's the thing, when I drive behind you, all you do to me is giving me a
    bad look and accusing me of driving aggressive when in fact you're driving
    a turtle that sucks all your gases. The mistakes you made are:

    1) You bought a turtle hybrid, unsafe, not enough room.

    2) You made the Japanese rich because they do the same thing we do, they
    call theirs a hybrid. We call it ours a Tune-up.

    GasSaver, Apr 20, 2009
  15. GasSaver

    Was Istoben Guest

    This old fart would like to have their patent number. I'm always looking
    for a sure-fire investment opportunity like, for example, buying my Prius.
    Was Istoben, Apr 20, 2009
  16. GasSaver

    Oldphart Guest


    Where is your documentation? How does your claim work? If there is
    nothing concrete for others to look at, then the old saying "A fool and
    his money are soon parted". Trust is earned, not sold on a soapbox.
    Oldphart, Apr 20, 2009
  17. Thus demonstrating that you don't know anything about hybrid vehicles.

    Thanks for proving that you are a charlatan and a fraud.
    Michelle Steiner, Apr 20, 2009
  18. GasSaver

    GasSaver Guest

    Michelle Steiner claims she knows alot about fraud and hybrid vehicles,
    here you go:

    1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Honda Sued Over Hybrid Mileage

    2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    *** Some companies just turn an alternator into a DC motor and
    call their vehicle a hybrid.

    Ted is right, ask yourself how often do you brake any way? 5% of your
    whole trip? That's why you don't gain much from your heavy batteries. I
    take it Michelle works for a car dealer.
    GasSaver, Apr 21, 2009
  19. No, I didn't make any such claim, you liar. I said that you
    demonstrated that you don't know anything about hybrid vehicles. I do
    know enough about fraud to know that you are a fraud.
    Perhaps, but Toyota isn't one of them.
    And yet again, you show that you don't know anything about hybrid

    By the way, "Ted" had no chance in hell of winning that bogus law suit,
    as clearly explained at the URL you so kindly provided:

    We scoff a bit because Honda doesn¹t set the figures on the sticker,
    the Environmental Protection Agency does.. We¹re no legal experts,
    but we don¹t understand how an automaker can be at fault for being
    forced to put EPA figures on a sticker. The EPA also admitted that
    the tests that led to 2007 and earlier figures were not accurate and
    instituted new tests, resulting in lower mileage figures.

    Mileage also varies due to driver habits, especially with hybrids.
    Automotive journalists can tell you that driving a car at its limits
    for a week won¹t return the normal day-to-day commute numbers that
    owners experience.
    Wrong again.

    If you had any sense at all, you would know that no one here believes
    your malarkey.
    Michelle Steiner, Apr 21, 2009
  20. Um, she doesn't now nor has she ever. Anyway, do you think it's good
    advertising for your business to antagonize people around the world?
    Every time you post here, you damage your reputation, if that's even
    possible anymore.
    Mike Rosenberg, Apr 21, 2009
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