Irritating Brake Pedal - 2000 Ody

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ray, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. Ray

    Ray Guest

    My brake pedal goes below the level of my accelerator at times.
    Pumping doesn't seem to do anything. I've had it checked about three
    times. There is some relief when they readjust the emergency brake,
    but only for a couple of days. I was told this condition is ok, but
    it's dangerous! When you move from the accelerator to the brake, it's
    very easy to press both down at the same time. Additionally, I swear
    it seems the brake is actually hitting the floor, on occasion. It
    stops, but I really get worried it's not going to stop.

    Anyone else had these experiences? If so, and it was corrected, I'd
    sure appreciate your input. Heck, I'd appreciate anyone's input, if
    they can help. Thanks
    Ray, Nov 11, 2007
  2. Ray

    Brian Smith Guest

    Have you checked the brake fluid level in the system?
    Brian Smith, Nov 11, 2007
  3. Ray

    Tegger Guest

    Your long pedal travel is a consequence of poor or inept
    maintenance/servicing practices.

    Have the fluid bled with new. You may have air in the system.

    Do you have aftermarket pads? They can cause longer-than-normal pedal
    travel due to poorly-formulated friction materials.
    Tegger, Nov 11, 2007
  4. Ray

    TomP Guest

    This could also be the ABS modulator.
    Does the pedal feel better after the ABS has activated?
    If so, the ABS modulator is faulty.


    -------- __o
    ----- -\<. -------- __o
    --- ( )/ ( ) ---- -\<.
    -------------------- ( )/ ( )
    TomP, Nov 11, 2007
  5. Ray

    Tegger Guest

    How do you figure that?
    Tegger, Nov 11, 2007
  6. Ray

    jim beam Guest

    he doesn't - it's just an uninformed guess.
    jim beam, Nov 11, 2007
  7. Ray

    jim beam Guest

    if the self-adjusters are working properly, that wouldn't make any
    you either have air in the system, or your master cylinder is leaking.
    either way, take it to a repair shop that knows what they're doing and
    get this fixed asap. your current shop obviously doesn't. this is a
    safety issue - pay the extra money if that's what it takes to have it
    done right.
    jim beam, Nov 11, 2007
  8. Ray

    Tegger Guest

    Considering the ABS is just a pass-through until activated, that's why I
    Tegger, Nov 11, 2007
  9. Ray

    Ray Guest

    I've had it checked, bled, brakes adjusted and changed in a very
    reputable shop. Also had it checked by local Honda dealer. All act
    like it is normal. Maybe it is, but I've owned many cars in the last
    51 years. It wasn't normal in any of the other cars I've owned.
    Ray, Nov 12, 2007
  10. Ray

    jim beam Guest

    ok. let's be more specific about the symptoms then. if you have a slow
    leak, light pedal pressure can indeed cause the pedal to sink to the
    floor. the reason is that the seal isn't forced to conform to the
    cylinder wall and thus fluid can squeeze on by. but when stomped on, it
    seals just fine because the higher initial pressure forces the rubber to
    conform, thus it seals, thus it doesn't leak. and this is what happens
    with an inexperienced tech - they sit down, stomp on the pedal, "there's
    no problem", you get charged, and nothing is fixed.

    is that your experience?
    jim beam, Nov 12, 2007
  11. Ray

    Ray Guest

    I've had them test drive it and I suspected they might not be checking
    it correctly. I then took the technician out and showed him what was
    happening.....I don't know. Maybe I'm just over reacting to this, but
    I am very worried I'm going to lose those brakes, at any time.

    Are there any 2000 Ody owners that can let me know how far down their
    brake pedal goes, in relation to the accelerator?

    Ray, Nov 13, 2007
  12. Ray

    jim beam Guest

    i told you what the problem is - get it fixed. and if your "reputable"
    technician thinks they can fix a problem like this on a honda by
    adjusting the parking brakes, they're worse then useless. never ever
    use them again.

    to repeat, get this fixed. pony up, take it to the dealer, and tell
    them to replace the master cylinder.
    jim beam, Nov 13, 2007
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