Is Honda brake fluid really superior to its "clone"?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Daniel, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. Daniel

    Daniel Guest

    3 years have gone (so quickly) since I bought my brand new Honda
    Accord 2001 and the "Maintenance Schdule for Severe Conditions"
    official sheet from my Honda dealer says that its time to replace the
    brake fluid. It says "Use Honda DOT 3".

    My Honda dealer wants $80 for this service.
    A local automobile service shop wants only $35 for this.

    But when I asked whether he uses a genuine Honda DOT 3 fluid, he said:
    "what I use is DOT 3 or 4 compatible".

    Which means the container of his brake fluid doesn't carry the Honda
    logo. To which he answered: "Honda doesn't make its fluids anyway".

    My question is simple: Is the Honda DOT 3 really that special/superior
    or is it marked up simply because it carries the Honda logo?

    Daniel, Oct 25, 2004
  2. Of course it's superior.... it costs more don't it!

    Do not write below this line. Reserved for me.
    He Hate Retard and Moron, Oct 25, 2004
  3. Daniel

    motsco_ _ Guest


    You have to use Honda Z1 ATF, or Honda steering pump fluid, or Dual Pump
    Fluid for AWD, but brake fluid is just brake fluid.

    Use whatever you want, as long as it's Dot 3 or Dot 4.

    It's good that you're following the schedule . . You probably even read
    the manual . . . Cool. The next owner of your car will be a lucky person.

    motsco_ _, Oct 25, 2004
  4. Nothing special about Honda brake fluid. I would use a good dot 3 fluid
    and not worry about it.
    Alex Rodriguez, Oct 25, 2004
  5. Daniel

    SoCalMike Guest

    i can do it with a mityvac and under an hour for about $6. that local
    shop price is damn good.
    as long as DOT5/silicone isnt used, its all good.
    they dont
    brake fluid and oil are 2 fluids in which case it doesnt matter what you
    use. anything else, like tranny oil, auto trans fluid, and coolant will
    start a flame war :)
    SoCalMike, Oct 26, 2004
  6. Daniel

    y_p_w Guest

    Basically Honda DOT 3 is a "heavy duty" fluid with a high dry boiling
    temperature. However - the boiling temp is going to decrease
    substantially when it inevitably absorbs moisture. It's likely
    similar to something like Quaker State "Heeavy Duty DOT 3".

    I'd say regular DOT 3 or DOT 4 is the way to go. If you really want
    the good stuff, Valvoline SynPower is a DOT 4 fluid that goes a bit
    beyond the DOT 4 requirements, and has a really high dry boiling point.
    You might even try a DOT 5.1 (non-silicone) fluid, which is a lot
    pricier, but compatible with standard DOT 3 or DOT 4 fluids.


    "DOT 5.1" results from Yahoo Shopping:
    y_p_w, Oct 26, 2004
  7. Daniel

    Daniel Guest

    Wow! Thank you very much for this detailed and learned answer. Thanks to
    everyone else who replied to my posting as well. Based on your answers I
    scheduled an appointment to do my 30K miles maintenance (break fluid,
    transmission fluid, etc.) in the local shop. It will save me at least

    Sometimes you just have to say No. :)

    Daniel, Oct 26, 2004
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