Is it a sign that it is a battery problem if it is difficult to start a car in a hot or humid day?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Honda2nd, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. Honda2nd

    Honda2nd Guest

    I have a 99 civic and during the past months, it has been difficult to
    start the car. So far, every time I can manage to start it after I turn

    the key a few times. There is a pattern though. It is more difficult to

    get it started in a hot or humid day. I guess this gets rid off the
    possbility of bad starters or alternator and leaves the possibility of
    bad connection or battery. My question is that whether batteries work
    better in a hot/humid day or in a cold day. Also recently when I start
    the car, I can hear something like clear clicking sound, not from the
    engine or starter, but from the direction of glove compartment or
    further or somewhere roughly that direction. And when there is that
    clicking sound, I found it is much more difficult to start the car. And

    yes, I also got a problem with my driver side door recently, months
    after the difficult starting problem. I can't lock the dirver side
    door. Even more wierd, occasionally, I can't open the door from inside
    after driving for a while. I can open it from outside though. Seemed it

    gets all the logic wrong (prohibit people from getting out other than
    the other way). I don't know if the lock problem is connected to the
    starting problem. Sometimes, I am thinking maybe there is a problem of
    electric connection that get all things behavior strangely. Probably i
    will start a separate thread to ask about the lock problem.
    Honda2nd, Nov 15, 2005
  2. Honda2nd

    John Horner Guest

    It could be a bad battery, could also be a bad relay or bad connections.

    If it is the original battery in the car I would begin by getting a new one.

    John Horner, Nov 16, 2005
  3. "Honda2nd"
    If you hear a clicking sound from the glove compartment then it's the
    main relay. You can find the location and fix it here.

    You can also dielectric grease your plugs and seals the distributor cap.
    Ricky Spartacus, Nov 17, 2005
  4. Honda2nd

    Jim Yanik Guest

    It could also be a bad starter solenoid....IF the car doesn't CRANK when
    the key is turned.(he didn't mention whether the car cranks or doesn't.If
    it does crank,then probably the main relay as you said.)

    Some Honda products have "non-replaceable" solenoids,like my Integra.
    I found this on the 'net;
    Source for a $30 solenoid "rebuild" kit.
    I've ordered and installed this kit in my Integra,it solved the
    intermittent cranking problem I had.The parts were of excellent quality.
    Jim Yanik, Nov 17, 2005
  5. Honda2nd

    Honda2nd Guest

    Thanks all for the reply. Yes, I should add more information. i) many
    times, when I turn the key, there are immediate cranking noise and one
    or two more turns the engine can get started. But other times (when it
    is humid or hot or close to that), when I turned the key, almost
    nothing happens; I mean the light on the pannel is very dim and the
    cranking is very slow and weak if any. Since the light is very weak
    too, I guess it is still not a problem with the starter; more like
    being short of power (battery)? But if I keep the key in the position,
    after a few seconds, the engine can be started eventually even with the
    weak cranking. It is almost like coming back alive from a blackout. ii)
    recently seems that the car has been easier to get started. You know it
    is cold now. But there is one occasion that I got my car started easily
    and drove a few miles to a grocery and when I got out and started it,
    it was difficult to get started again. So far, every time I managed to
    get it started, even if when it begins like"being blackout". Yes, the
    clicks seemed having come from the box containing the fuse and relays.
    I don't hear the clicks all the time. When I hear it, it is difficult
    to get the car started and seems to me that the light is flashing
    following the weak cranking. More and more like to me a power problem.
    And it is not like the situation of "blackout". In the situations of
    "blackout" I mentioned above, the light is very weak to begin with and
    the cranking is slower and weaker and I don't hear the noise from the
    cranking. I guess I need to go straight for a new battery. Before snow
    piles up, I need to find it out somehow. And again, it has been better
    recently with the cold temperature....haha...
    Honda2nd, Nov 17, 2005
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