Is it safe to buy 80-90% tread used tires for a 2001 Civic DX-G?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by MegaC, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. MegaC

    MegaC Guest

    Hi all,

    I need to buy 4 all-season tires and I thought to save some $$, I could
    look into buying some good used tires that have about 80-90% tread
    still on them. I called around and the savings are about $100 instead
    of buying new. My question is, it this a good idea? Is it safe to buy
    used tires?


    MegaC, Jul 21, 2005
  2. Probably not, because you do not know what has happened to the tires
    before you saw them. Some damage is not visible (broken belts, etc.).

    On the other hand, the tires I have on my Honda are used. They were
    not used when I bought them but they sure are now. And they have a lot
    less than 90% tread.

    Would I buy used tires? Yes. Have done so in the past, will likely do
    so in the future.

    Elliot Richmond, Ph.D.
    Freelance Science Writer and Editor
    Elliot Richmond, Jul 21, 2005
  3. MegaC

    jim beam Guest

    eh? i read that as "no, but i do it myself". doesn't that really mean
    jim beam, Jul 22, 2005
  4. If you are buying from a reputable source, yes. Tires are traded in for a
    variety of reasons and decent tire shops will not accept bad ones. The
    previous owner probably bought custom wheels that required different size
    tires, and that type of owner usually takes care of his "baby." You've
    probably seen the posts by people who immediately changed from the stock
    brand X tires to his favorite brand Y tires as soon as he got his
    RoadShredder 3000 home. Those tires are literally as good as new.

    Michael Pardee, Jul 22, 2005
  5. MegaC

    HPGrn Guest

    That Ph.D. must have his head spinning! :)
    HPGrn, Jul 22, 2005
  6. The original question was, is it safe? I stick by my answer. It is not
    *completely* safe, because you never know. Of course, new tires are
    not completely safe, either.

    On the other hand, would I buy a used tire? That was not the original
    question, it was a new question that I introduced. Then I answered it.
    For example, I was in another town a while back and one of my tires
    got a large cut in it, on a Sunday afternoon on a holiday weekend.
    Since no tire places were open and I did not want to drive back home
    on the emergency spare, I bought a used tire.

    See, it's really very simple. Even a Ph.D. can understand it.

    Elliot Richmond, Ph.D.
    Freelance Science Writer and Editor
    Elliot Richmond, Jul 22, 2005
  7. MegaC

    grim9090 Guest

    i agree with mike.
    grim9090, Jul 22, 2005
  8. MegaC

    jim beam Guest

    that's a squirm. you're now saying; "no, but yes. because they're as
    risky as new."

    bottom line, there's nothing more intrinsically wrong with buying a used
    tire than there is buying a used car that already has tires on it. or
    using your own tires once they're no longer new.
    jim beam, Jul 23, 2005
  9. MegaC

    Brian Stell Guest

    Clearly there are lots of different opinions here.

    The one strong warning I will offer is:

    Always get tires without tubes in them.

    It is fairly rare to have a true "blow out" with a
    tubeless tire. If there is damage the tire tends to
    leak and go flat slowly. Think minutes to days.

    Tires with a tube can have a major defect and the
    tube can still hold air. If the defect gets big
    enough the tube can push out and if it ruptures
    the tire will lose air quite suddenly. Think just
    a few seconds. At freeway speeds this is very
    Brian Stell, Jul 23, 2005
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