Is there any real difference?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by AGS, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. AGS

    AGS Guest


    I was at an Acura dealership some time back and was 'toying' with the idea
    of trading in my 2000 Civic for a 2004 Acura RSX. I had also looked at
    the Honda Accord Coupe (Honda Factory Performance Edition) at the Honda
    dealership right across the street. So the salesman gave me some reasons
    why I should choose the RSX over the Accord Coupe:

    1) RSX has the sporty look/feel I was looking but at a cheaper price than
    the Accord Coupe.
    2) Acura engines have the latest Honda technology whereas the Honda
    engines have the older Acura technology. Make sense? LOL...
    3) But most importantly (he somewhat stressed), the Honda's for sale were
    manufactured in Ohio whereas the Acura's where still manufactured in Japan
    (at least the RSX was). Thus, the Acura has a better build.

    I'm no auto manufacturing expert, but i'm under the assumption that a
    large portion of the cars built today are done by machines. So would
    there be any real difference between the Acura & Honda in quality terms
    given one is built in Ohio and the other Japan? Isn't engineering and
    quality of parts used more important than "where" the car was built? My
    apologizes if the question sounds ridiculous.

    AGS, Aug 6, 2004
  2. AGS

    Im anonymous Guest

    How does he know what are your likes/needs/wants? If he was any kind
    of person, he'd give you the advantages of each one and let you
    decide. Obviously the Acura will make him more commission.
    It's also a smaller car with no V6 option, although the RSX is pretty
    damn fast. I liken them to a fancy Civic.
    NO. I'd slap anyone who said a new automotive Honda engine was
    low-tech. Besides, how can I put this into words....who cares? The
    "Honda" version is very good, and if there's any truth in what he's
    saying, the "Honda" version is more mature and has bugs worked out.

    There's been much discussion on this. I would not let this influence
    your decision. The Accord and RSX are too different to let this be a
    factor in your decision.
    The Acura's parts probably have a different source (Japan vs. USA)

    Listen, they're both Honda's (there is no Acura outside of N. America
    anyways), drive each one, make a decision, and don't listen to the
    sales-scum. Many couldn't even tell you how an engine works. They're
    just a necessary evil if you're going to buy a car.
    Im anonymous, Aug 6, 2004
  3. My wife owns a 2003 Acura RSX (5 speed, but not the S model). It's a
    nice car, but it's small. The Honda Accord Coupe is much bigger
    (inside and out). If you are looking at 4-cylinder Accord versus the
    RSX, the RSX is pretty nice if the smaller interior doesn't bother you.

    The V6 Accord Coupe would have more power though, despite what the
    dealer may tell you.

    The interior finish in the RSX isn't as nice as the Accord EX series,
    which is odd for an Acura, but from my understanding the RSX is based
    on the Civic, this may not be a surprise.

    You can't go wrong with either choice, but the main issues are size
    power and interior finish.
    Chris Bradley, Aug 6, 2004
  4. AGS

    AGS Guest

    Thanks for the feedback. I now know a new way to refer to sales people.

    AGS, Aug 7, 2004
  5. AGS

    AGS Guest

    Thanks for the feedback. In interior of the RSX, in terms of space, was a
    concern. I sat in the back while my wife drove and I almost, literally,
    broke my neck as she went over a small bump on the road, LOL. I'm just
    under 6ft. My Civic is the same way...but not as bad as the RSX.

    Oh well...gonna keep the Civic till it hits 180,000mi (approx 4 more yrs)
    and then i'll take a look at what Honda has got to offer then.

    AGS, Aug 7, 2004
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