Is there anything worse than...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tegger, May 12, 2007.

  1. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    ....fasteners that have rusted to the point where their heads are neither
    14mm, 13mm, 9/16". 1/2", or anything reasonably in between?

    Looks like my '91 'Teg needs a few bolts replaced just because it's
    becoming a bastard trying to find a socket that fits them so I can get them

    1) Exhaust manifold heat shield 12mm bolts. A 7/16" socket (about 11.1mm)
    currently works if I hammer it on. An actual 11mm socket is just a touch
    too small, but will probably fit after one more winter.

    2) Rear brake caliper splash shield 10mm bolts. They're now less than 10mm,
    but just a bit too big for 3/8" (9.5mm). Luckily they're torqued so lightly
    a set of Vise-Grips is enough to take them off.

    3) Rear brake caliper mount bracket 14mm bolts. One of mine is smaller than
    14mm to the point that a 14mm socket just goes round and round, but 13mm
    and 1/2" will not fit. I had to grind one of these bolt heads down with a
    Dremel so I could hammer a 1/2" socket on to it. There is almost NO room to
    work but I finally got it off.

    Word to the wise: Do not live in the Rust Belt and own an older car.
    Tegger, May 12, 2007
  2. Tegger

    jim beam Guest

    Tegger wrote:
    i couldn't agree more - move to california!
    jim beam, May 12, 2007
  3. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    Buddy, I wish. I really wish.
    Tegger, May 12, 2007
  4. Tegger

    jim beam Guest

    wassamatter - don't they have u-hauls in canadia?
    jim beam, May 12, 2007
  5. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    Sure we do. We can cross the border anytime, but just try getting a Green
    Card to be able to work down there. We're not independently wealthy, you
    know. :(

    Or should we just get daily-cash jobs picking lettuce amidst the illegal
    Tegger, May 12, 2007
  6. Tegger

    jim beam Guest

    nafta dude. or get a company transfer. or get a u.s. company to import
    jim beam, May 12, 2007
  7. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    Ain't that simple. I've tried.

    NAFTA specifically does NOT cover human labor. It is not 1916 any more,
    and has not been for a long time.
    Tegger, May 12, 2007

  8. That's one of the reasons that I moved to TX back in 1990 after a
    previous residency in Rhode Island.

    Here, old fifty year old parts cars yield their booty willingly. I have
    never snapped a bolt in nearly eighteen years. Back in RI, the're toast
    after only a very few years.

    Another reason is that I seldom have to shovel precipitation...

    Grumpy AuContraire, May 12, 2007

  9. Move to Texas and you can get a concealed handgun license... If you're
    not a convicted felon..


    Grumpy AuContraire, May 12, 2007
  10. Tegger

    Matt Ion Guest

    Well, not for at least 89 years ;)
    Matt Ion, May 12, 2007
  11. Tegger

    Matt Ion Guest

    Either that, or get a set of these:

    These things are the cat's ass, saved me more than once.
    Matt Ion, May 12, 2007
  12. Tegger

    Elle Guest

    I replaced these a few years ago with the appropriate grade
    and thread pitch a few years ago. True Value hardware here
    in the U.S. had them. I have had the heat shield off a few
    times since, including late 2006. They remain in good
    repair. I anti-seize them every time. It's hard to believe
    these are a big deal for you. Or are you just in gripe mode?
    Elle, May 12, 2007
  13. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    Just gripe mode. It's off my chest now. :)
    Tegger, May 14, 2007
  14. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    Never seen those before. And only $30 a set, too.

    Gonna check them out, thanks.
    Tegger, May 14, 2007
  15. Tegger

    Graham W Guest

    I can't get that tinyurl to show me the item (it just takes me into the CT
    corporate page). Can someone publish the real page URL please?
    Graham W, May 14, 2007
  16. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    If you type in this postal code: M4G4G9
    the site will automatically take you to the item in question.
    Tegger, May 14, 2007
  17. Tegger

    Graham W Guest

    Thanks John, that got it going.
    Graham W, May 14, 2007
  18. Tegger

    Tegger Guest


    Actually, ANY Canadian area code will get it going. I just gave you one
    of the Toronto-area stores that came up in a search.
    Tegger, May 14, 2007
  19. Tegger

    Matt Ion Guest

    Can't believe you've never seen the commercial for them... CT's Bob Vila
    wannabe spokesmodel is all about these things ;)
    Matt Ion, May 16, 2007
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