Is XM Radio available in any new Honda?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Thomas Cooke, Feb 15, 2004.

  1. Thomas Cooke

    Thomas Cooke Guest

    I heard you can get XM in the new top line models like Accord EX V6 and
    others. What if I want to buy another Civic EX or an Accord LX? Will the
    dealer put XM in those cars also? I could get it aftermarket, but I figure
    if anything gets screwed up, its their fault...

    The other thing I was thinking about is getting a remote car starter (for
    warming up in winter) has anyone had one and what are your thoughts about it
    if so?


    Thomas Cooke, Feb 15, 2004
  2. As far as XM goes I don't know. Like you said you could get it aftermarket
    for like a $100 and the installation is simple enough for the shop that the
    chances of anything happening down the line as a result of installation is

    As far as remote start I really like mine. It is a combo remote start and
    alarm. Cost was about $500 to install, but since I wanted a special custom
    installation I paid like $170 for the unit and installed it myself.

    The one I have can be programmed to auto start at a certain temperature, run
    for x amount of minutes and then shut off. It will do this every few hours
    or so. It shuts off after twenty minutes if accidentally started. I now
    have a garage so the remote start is not as important as it used to be when
    my car sat outside all the time. Nice to get into a heated car or cooled
    car in the summer. I accidentally started it in my garage once and kept
    wondering what the sound of a car idling was. I looked outside and saw
    nothing. After several minutes I realized my car was running in my closed
    garage. Not cool. It is great especially if it is icy out and you don't
    want to sit in your car until the windows defrost, or you don't want to
    leave your key in the ignition while it runs for fear of a jump in and take
    off thief.

    I have freaked a few people out when they walked past my car and it started
    with nobody in it. I didn't do it on purpose but it was funny as hell

    If you have a manual transmission absolutely forget about a remote start.
    Too much liability if something goes wrong and something will go wrong.

    CaptainKrunch, Feb 15, 2004
  3. Thomas Cooke

    Chip Stein Guest

    just remember remote start basically does away with immobilizer anti
    theft since you have to hide a key in the car. makes it much easier to
    Chip Stein, Feb 15, 2004
  4. Thomas Cooke

    BB TACO Guest

    You can use a transponder Interface Module that doesn't need a key left in
    the vehicle. They simply "learn" your keys code and send it the immobilizer
    when it gets a signal from the remote start unit.
    BB TACO, Feb 15, 2004
  5. If you're planning on getting a lower level trim, get an aftermarket XM
    receiver. That way you can pop it out of your car and plug it into your
    stereo system or another car. You'll save money on equipment and subscription
    costs that way.
    Joshua J. Belsky, Feb 16, 2004
  6. Equipment, maybe. Subscription costs? They're the same no matter what.

    You're talking about the $10 activation fee. If you activate radios all
    the time, that may be an issue. But to go aftermarket and involve
    yourself in (relatively speaking) a lot of hassle to move the radio out
    of car A and into car B just for the sake of saving the $10 activation
    fee on the new radio, is ridiculous.

    Hey, I just had a great idea: the aftermarket stereos with removeable
    faceplates ought to put the XM activation chip into the faceplate. That
    way you have the best of both worlds. Get a new car and a new identical
    radio in it, leave the old radio in the old car, but keep your faceplate
    with the XM serial number in it and put the new faceplate on the old
    radio in the old car.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 17, 2004
    Joshua J. Belsky, Feb 17, 2004
  8. No I'm not.[/QUOTE]

    Then pray tell: why do you think that aftermarket stuff has lower XM
    subscription costs than factory-integrated XM stuff?

    It doesn't. There's only one subscription fee schedule--period. It's
    put out by XM, and has nothing WHATSOEVER to do with the equipment
    you're listening on.

    You still have to pay a subscription fee for each receiver.

    You're talking about the Delphi SkyFi, or Roady, or similar. It's an
    add-on piece; the integration with other radios is a bit sketchy, unless
    the other radio has an AUX IN port. The other alternatives are FM
    modulator and cassette adapter.

    I've had SkyFi for 18 months now; it's OK, but I'd prefer a factory
    integrated piece. I'll accept the trade-off of the subscription being
    locked into my car.

    They did lower the subscription price for extra radios on the same
    account; I don't know if they still have that in force.

    But if someone would come out with a simple faceplate mechanism that
    simply authorized the unit, and you could swap that faceplate around,
    and it would always look stock, that would be great. The SkyFi thing is
    bulkier than you think, and moving the entire radio around is more
    awkward than you think.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 17, 2004
    Joshua J. Belsky, Feb 17, 2004
  10. Thomas Cooke

    asahitoro Guest

    Yes, I'm curious of the pros and cons. I have been looking at an Acura
    TSX and an Accord EX V6. The TSX doesn't have XM but the Accord does. I
    like the TSX a lot more overall and was wondering if adding XM would
    work well. I've read that when using FM mod. that the quality can be
    poor. I plan on adding AUX inputs on either car (there is a cable
    available, can't remember part #) so that I can hook up an iPod as well.
    Should I go with the AUX inputs for the XM as well? Any other tips?


    asahitoro, Feb 17, 2004
  11. I think that you should. I imagine that "Elmo P. Shagnasty" would disagree.
    The unit that my friend has gives you far more presets than the one built
    into the Accord, which is very nice. Of course, with the built-in unit, you
    get steering wheel controls and a larger display.

    I don't understand why Honda would put XM in the Accord and not the TSX,
    considering that they are so similar. I suspect, given that XM was a
    new feature in the Accord for 2004, that the TSX will have it soon.
    Joshua J. Belsky, Feb 17, 2004
  12. That will change, I'm sure.

    Shoot, the smart card could be Bluetooth; whenever I walk into a room,
    if the receiver isn't already authorized by someone else, it knows I'm
    there and authorizes the radio based on me.

    Actually, the problem is this: the authorization isn't instantaneous,
    nor is the deauthorization.

    In fact, the authorization takes place in the hour after you call the
    customer service center to sign up or refresh the radio. The radio must
    be on during that entire hour. If you have to turn your radio off
    during that hour, chances are 50-50 that you'll have to call the
    customer service center again to have them refresh your radio--and
    you'll have to turn it on for an hour again.

    Deauthorization can take up to a week. The radio eventually realizes
    its serial number didn't come down in the weekly update data stream, and
    deauthorizes itself. But in the meantime, the radio is still alive and

    I took my SkyFi out of service back in August, and plugged it in again
    last week. It lasted until Monday morning with full service until it
    went back to the Preview channel. I went to activate it; something was
    wrong with my account such that it wouldn't do the online activation,
    and the customer service center was CLOSED FOR PRESIDENT'S DAY. Wow.
    What a day to close. I thought only government workers took that day

    So until the technology gets to be like a cable TV converter, with
    instant authorization, it'll have to be like it is now--with
    subscriptions tied to the receiver.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 18, 2004
  13. This is the first year that they've integrated it into the factory
    stereo (last year was the first year they offered it at all, and it was
    a third-party off the shelf unit with a line-in cable not unlike the
    HON-AUX, offered as a Honda part).

    Honda is an investor in XM, and they *will* include it in all their
    products eventually. But they're just beginning to crawl now; they'll
    walk a little with their mainstream high-volume cars, and then they'll
    offer it everywhere as the cars get refreshed by engineering.

    Remember: the TSX you buy today was in engineering several years ago.
    Many hard point decisions were made long before XM became a reality.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 18, 2004
  14. Thomas Cooke

    asahitoro Guest

    I've seen the XM accessory unit from Honda. Does anyone know how much it
    is installed(estimate)? If I read you right, it is not FM mod. and has a
    direct input? Isn't that unit an Alpine unit basically? They are
    offering the same accessory for the TSX's. I've seen the Terk ones at
    Circuit City for about $160. Does that include everything I need?


    asahitoro, Feb 18, 2004
  15. Yes and yes, from the instructions I've seen. You can find the full
    installation instructions at some online Honda accessory vendors.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 18, 2004
  16. I wonder where the radio is fitted and if in the U.K., if the Euro cars
    even have the option of XM yet. Remember they have that weird cellular FM
    broadcasting in the U.K which has been in rental cars I've used... plus
    more recently they have digital radio broadcasting though I don't know if
    it's used in cars currently.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Feb 19, 2004
  17. XM is US only.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 19, 2004
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