It has been fun and all but:

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by r2000swler, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. r2000swler

    r2000swler Guest

    While I am sure that the courts will toss this, I don't have deep
    enough pockets
    to even think about risking mere arrest. The court costs would destroy
    me. Call
    me a coward, but this group is at best "fun".

    At the very least I am sure my mispellings will "annoy" someone.

    I don't know exactly when this law takes effect, most laws become
    45 days after the POTUS signs them.

    Have fun, keep safe and I have enjoyed my time here.
    I have learned a lot and hope that my comments hav helped at least a
    few people
    solve thier particular nightmare.

    Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime.

    It's no joke. Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a
    prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail
    messages without disclosing your true identity.

    In other words, it's OK to flame someone on a mailing list or in a blog
    as long as you do it under your real name. Thank Congress for small
    favors, I guess.

    This ridiculous prohibition, which would likely imperil much of Usenet,
    is buried in the so-called Violence Against Women and Department of
    Justice Reauthorization Act. Criminal penalties include stiff fines and
    two years in prison.

    "The use of the word 'annoy' is particularly problematic," says Marv
    Johnson, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union.
    "What's annoying to one person may not be annoying to someone else."

    r2000swler, Jan 10, 2006
  2. r2000swler

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Problem with this is that you and I are in Canada. The law does not cover
    us. We can annoy anyone we want anytime.

    I think I'll start right away: Hey Terry, your shoes look funny. Are they
    hand-me-downs from Ronald McDonald?

    wrote in
    TeGGeR®, Jan 10, 2006
  3. r2000swler

    r2000swler Guest

    I live in Lexington Kentucky, USA, in what used to be known as the land
    of the.
    Ourr staff lawyer thinks this will be struck down, but that the PC
    crowd is looking
    for someone to hang. Given some of my posts in other groups could be
    objectionable, and are certain to "annoy" someone, and the fact I am
    trying to get
    the finances organised to the point wehre I can do a early, if 57 or so
    is early,

    Given the flame war I started in 3 years ago with a
    suggestion for a simple antennas, and the resulting cyber stalking that
    nearly got me fired when a goon crashed our mail server, I have
    debating bailing from NGs since early September last fall. If you want
    the long boring details just google my posts in RRS from mid Aug
    through the end
    of Sept.

    Keep up the good work and thanks for all the pointers on Civics.

    When and if this silly law is struck down, I may be back.

    r2000swler, Jan 10, 2006
  4. r2000swler

    Remco Guest

    I've never seen Terry and Ronald McDonald at the same time -- maybe it
    is one of those Superman things... :)

    Annoying can mean too many things, imo. Life's too short so I'm not
    gonna worry about it.

    (If this becomes law I think I'm going after all the other users of my
    service provider, since they are annoying me when my connection becomes
    slow when they start using their internet connection.... :)

    Remco (ehhh.. - I mean John)
    Remco, Jan 10, 2006
  5. r2000swler

    Elle Guest


    For one thing, the law applies only to those who post
    without revealing their identity. This means one can demand
    prosecution of the authors of any political web site,
    including the National Democratic Party's and the National
    Republican Party's. One way or another, their web sites
    annoy and harass someone, somewhere. Same for anyone who
    posts anonymously any political speech.

    According to the courts, "political speech" is pretty wide
    ranging. The point of the First Amendment is, among other
    things and according to the courts, to promote a free
    exchange of ideas in the "marketplace," to get to the "best
    solution," be it fixing one's car, or fixing a broken health
    care system. Of course there are limits, like posting a
    physical threat to a person's health. But giving your
    assessment of a car or radio or whatever problem most
    certainly is an important idea that belongs in the

    In addition, you indicate you're Terry from Lexington,
    Kentucky, and you're a guru on many aspects of Hondas. You
    have in my estimation posted your identity.

    (Never mind that the right to publish speech anonymously has
    also been well-established, though again, within the
    aforementioned limits. The Federalist Papers were first
    published anonymously, so pointed out one court not long
    ago, in protecting a certain person's right to publish

    Once this law is challenged in the courts, it will be struck
    down quicker than you or I can do an oil change. And I'm
    sure you're plenty fast at this.

    You are in no danger. I hope you have been posting to this
    thread tongue-in-cheek!
    Elle, Jan 10, 2006
  6. r2000swler

    Remco Guest

    Well put.

    I think he has been posting tongue in cheek too, hency my reply to the
    McDonalds shoe comment.

    It is a pretty weird law they are suggesting, besides it being totally
    unconstitutional, it is also totally uninforceable:

    Anonymous posting of this nature will be illegal.
    Who are they going after? The poster is anonymous!
    Ok, they find this person, but wouldn't that mean he wasn't anonymous
    after all? (they did find him, right? Way to be anonymous!)

    Kind of a circle jerk, if you ask me. What are they smoking on the
    hill, anyway?
    Remco, Jan 10, 2006
  7. r2000swler

    Elle Guest

    Yes, Tegger and you can be a scream, but annoying ones(!) So
    look out...

    Not. :)
    Some chatter on this at
    -1028_3-6022491.html?part=rss&tag=6022491&subj=news suggests
    the law was meant to apply to people who used their internet
    connections to somehow dial up a specific person (not
    address a whole audience), anonymously, and harass him/her.

    I think even Pres. Bush (someone whom I consider no rocket
    scientist) would concede that this law is easily misread,
    and he doesn't want to stop dissenting speech with it, and
    that dissenting speech takes many, legit forms and is
    important to this country. Often "annoying" speech is
    critical to meaningful and good change for society.

    "Your mother wears WD-40 behind her ears!"
    Elle, Jan 10, 2006
  8. r2000swler

    TeGGeR® Guest

    wrote in

    Ohhh. For some reason I thought you lived in Winnipeg.

    TeGGeR®, Jan 10, 2006
  9. different Terry.....

    Terry in winnipeg

    T L via, Jan 11, 2006
  10. r2000swler

    Matt Ion Guest

    As am I, and I thank God (and my parents) for that on a regular basis!
    Sweet land of nevermind.
    My sister is ex-military. I used to tell my neice that her momma wears
    combat boots, but it just didn't seem as funny...
    Matt Ion, Jan 11, 2006
  11. r2000swler

    Matt Ion Guest

    He does, he just won't admit it.

    Says a lot when someone would rather say they're from Kentucky :)
    Matt Ion, Jan 11, 2006
  12. r2000swler

    Remco Guest

    You're the one with the funny shoes?

    Remco, Jan 11, 2006
  13. r2000swler

    SoCalMike Guest

    the world would be a lot better place if people opened up their minds,
    aka: became more "liberal".

    black and white solutions delivered by jackbooted thugs to grey problems
    is quite conservative.
    SoCalMike, Jan 11, 2006
  14. r2000swler

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Ach! Ya beat me to it!
    TeGGeR®, Jan 11, 2006
  15. r2000swler

    KWW Guest

    Yes, but get someone like Hillery in the Whitehouse and such a law would be
    used by her brown shirts to legally root out anyone who opposes her. Of
    course, given the FBI files they used against their political enemies years
    ago... and got away with it... and the string of dead bodies of "witnesses"
    to goings on in Arkansas, I guess something like a little law is not all
    that necessary for someone like her.
    KWW, Jan 11, 2006
  16. Not to take Hillary's side, but hardcore Republicans have been doing just
    that since the start of the Iraq war whenever anybody even slightly
    criticizes anything that Bush says.
    High Tech Misfit, Jan 11, 2006
  17. r2000swler

    Remco Guest

    Not to switch subjects, but I thought the "KWW" handle looked familar
    -- I know you from the RAMVA aircooled group, don't I?

    75 standard FI bug
    72 standard bug
    Remco, Jan 11, 2006
  18. r2000swler

    Elle Guest


    In this newsgroup, I try to minimize offending people of
    either political party.
    Elle, Jan 11, 2006
  19. r2000swler

    SoCalMike Guest

    mmm hmm. just like anyone who is against the war is a "treasonous
    traitor", the plame scandal, etc. you dont need to make up stuff that
    supposedly (according to the tin foil hat theorists) happened. all you
    have to do is open the paper today. its happening now.
    yeah, yeah... and why did laura bush kill her first boyfriend?
    thats as believable as choking on a pretzel. he was on a bender, and
    still is.
    SoCalMike, Jan 12, 2006
  20. r2000swler

    KWW Guest

    Yes. I also maintain 3 Hondas ('97 Isuzu Oasis - made by Honda ~ Odyssey,
    '93 Accord, '92 Civic)
    KWW, Jan 14, 2006
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