It has to be my alternator, right?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Crunchy Cookie, Jul 7, 2003.

  1. Hi, my mechanic installed a rebuilt alternator on my car back in December (after
    my original one died), and starting a month or two later, a series of annoying
    problems has been phasing in (and out) to this day. First, my power locks
    developed a mind of their own, unlocking with the car parked and triggering my
    horn. I noticed my locks also unlocked while driving; the problem eventually,
    um, evoloved into locking as well. A second problem is my windshield wipers
    getting stuck at the top of the stroke (in intermittent mode). And finally,
    just recently my passenger side window has been rendered inept. Since all of
    these are electrically related, and I had my alternator changed fairly recently,
    this would be the most likely culprit, right?
    At this point I'll mention that my car's a 95 Nissan 200SX (Sentra) SE-R. But
    you Honda peoples is so knowledgable that I had to cross-post.
    Crunchy Cookie, Jul 7, 2003
  2. Crunchy Cookie

    Mark McLean Guest

    To me it doesn't sound like an alternator problem.. All your alternator
    does is powers your components and charges your battery while your car is
    running, but this wouldn't have any effect on the electronic components
    within your car. So in my opinion that alternator would be the last place
    that I would look. Good luck, electronics can be fun :)

    Mark McLean, Jul 11, 2003
  3. Crunchy Cookie

    Paul Bielec Guest

    Unless the alternator had a problem with the regulator and blew something up
    and he has a short somewhere now.
    It might also be a ground problem.
    Paul Bielec, Jul 11, 2003
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