Jumping idle, IAC valve

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JanN, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. JanN

    JanN Guest

    The problem is that after the engine (1991 Accord 2.2) is fully warm, the
    idle jumps up and down. It seems to almost stall, the idle air control
    reacts, and the idle shoots up, too high. It again falls down to almost
    stalling. This continues to repeat.
    So I took the Idle Air Control (IAC) from the intake manifold. The metal
    screen was for the larger part blocked with black soot. Cleaned this.
    This did not complete solve the problem. I think also the electrical motor
    is sticky. Can anyone on the list give me some hints on how to get this
    How can I remove this motor from the IAC assembly??
    Should I spray WD40 at the IAC valve, or will this ruin things?

    Thanks, Jan
    1991 Accord Aerodeck (=wagon) 2.2i EX
    JanN, Feb 2, 2004
  2. JanN

    T. Nelson Guest

    I believe you are on the right track. The IAC is probably the source of
    the problem. I suggest that you buy a repair manual for the vehicle. It
    should have the instuctions for removing the IAC and it might even give
    instuctions on how to clean and lubricate it and related parts. Some auto
    parts stores such as Kragens and Auto Depot have manuals for sale. Barnes
    and Noble has some manuals but not a wide selection. A company called
    Hayes makes one for every model. You can call Haynes at this number
    1-805-498-6703. The one for your car has this code number 42012. If you
    can't afford to or don't want to buy a manual--just read it at the store
    or Barnes and Noble and place it back on the shelf.
    T. Nelson, Feb 2, 2004
  3. JanN

    T. Nelson Guest

    I believe you are on the right track. The IAC is probably the source of
    the problem. I suggest that you buy a repair manual for the vehicle. It
    should have the instuctions for removing the IAC and it might even give
    instuctions on how to clean and lubricate it and related parts. Some auto
    parts stores such as Kragens and Auto Depot have manuals for sale. Barnes
    and Noble has some manuals but not a wide selection. A company called
    Hayes makes one for every model. You can call Haynes at this number
    1-805-498-6703. The one for your car has this code number 42012. If you
    can't afford to or don't want to buy a manual--just read it at the store
    or Barnes and Noble and place it back on the shelf.
    T. Nelson, Feb 2, 2004
  4. JanN

    T. Nelson Guest

    I believe you are on the right track. The IAC is probably the source of
    the problem. I suggest that you buy a repair manual for the vehicle. It
    should have the instuctions for removing the IAC and it might even give
    instuctions on how to clean and lubricate it and related parts. Some auto
    parts stores such as Kragens and Auto Depot have manuals for sale. Barnes
    and Noble has some manuals but not a wide selection. A company called
    Hayes makes one for every model. You can call Haynes at this number
    1-805-498-6703. The one for your car has this code number 42012. If you
    can't afford to or don't want to buy a manual--just read it at the store
    or Barnes and Noble and place it back on the shelf.
    T. Nelson, Feb 2, 2004
  5. JanN

    Randolph Guest

    This did not complete solve the problem. I think also the electrical motor
    Don't know about the '91 Accord but the IAC on my '94 Civic does not
    have a motor. The valve is operated by an electromagnet. I doubt you can
    get it apart and get it back working again afterwards.
    WD40 should do no damage but may not dissolve the gunk in the valve.
    Carburetor cleaner (or throttle body cleaner) will get rid of the
    buildup. Don't know if it would cause damage, but I would use it on my
    own car if need be.
    Randolph, Feb 2, 2004
  6. JanN

    Randolph Guest

    This did not complete solve the problem. I think also the electrical motor
    Don't know about the '91 Accord but the IAC on my '94 Civic does not
    have a motor. The valve is operated by an electromagnet. I doubt you can
    get it apart and get it back working again afterwards.
    WD40 should do no damage but may not dissolve the gunk in the valve.
    Carburetor cleaner (or throttle body cleaner) will get rid of the
    buildup. Don't know if it would cause damage, but I would use it on my
    own car if need be.
    Randolph, Feb 2, 2004
  7. JanN

    Randolph Guest

    This did not complete solve the problem. I think also the electrical motor
    Don't know about the '91 Accord but the IAC on my '94 Civic does not
    have a motor. The valve is operated by an electromagnet. I doubt you can
    get it apart and get it back working again afterwards.
    WD40 should do no damage but may not dissolve the gunk in the valve.
    Carburetor cleaner (or throttle body cleaner) will get rid of the
    buildup. Don't know if it would cause damage, but I would use it on my
    own car if need be.
    Randolph, Feb 2, 2004
  8. JanN

    JanN Guest

    I'll buy carburetor cleaner and spray this at the IAC valve.
    It really does not seem like the motor part can be taken from the valve
    assembly. I checked
    on the Honda Majestic parts site, there is no exploded view for the IAC
    valve assembly.
    Also in my Haynes manual nothing is mentioned about taking this apart...
    So I'll go for spray cleaning....

    JanN, Feb 3, 2004
  9. JanN

    JanN Guest

    I'll buy carburetor cleaner and spray this at the IAC valve.
    It really does not seem like the motor part can be taken from the valve
    assembly. I checked
    on the Honda Majestic parts site, there is no exploded view for the IAC
    valve assembly.
    Also in my Haynes manual nothing is mentioned about taking this apart...
    So I'll go for spray cleaning....

    JanN, Feb 3, 2004
  10. JanN

    JanN Guest

    I'll buy carburetor cleaner and spray this at the IAC valve.
    It really does not seem like the motor part can be taken from the valve
    assembly. I checked
    on the Honda Majestic parts site, there is no exploded view for the IAC
    valve assembly.
    Also in my Haynes manual nothing is mentioned about taking this apart...
    So I'll go for spray cleaning....

    JanN, Feb 3, 2004
  11. Don't use WD-40. It causes rubber to swell.

    Use carb cleaner or throttle body cleaner on the valve while the car is
    running. You want the solvent sucked out as quickly as possible so it
    doesn't damage the valve or deposit soot farther down into it.

    Also check: thermostat, EGR valve, and PCV valve
    Kevin McMurtrie, Feb 3, 2004
  12. Don't use WD-40. It causes rubber to swell.

    Use carb cleaner or throttle body cleaner on the valve while the car is
    running. You want the solvent sucked out as quickly as possible so it
    doesn't damage the valve or deposit soot farther down into it.

    Also check: thermostat, EGR valve, and PCV valve
    Kevin McMurtrie, Feb 3, 2004
  13. Don't use WD-40. It causes rubber to swell.

    Use carb cleaner or throttle body cleaner on the valve while the car is
    running. You want the solvent sucked out as quickly as possible so it
    doesn't damage the valve or deposit soot farther down into it.

    Also check: thermostat, EGR valve, and PCV valve
    Kevin McMurtrie, Feb 3, 2004
  14. JanN

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    I'd check your Fast Idle valve.
    Jafir Elkurd, Feb 3, 2004
  15. JanN

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    I'd check your Fast Idle valve.
    Jafir Elkurd, Feb 3, 2004
  16. JanN

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    I'd check your Fast Idle valve.
    Jafir Elkurd, Feb 3, 2004
  17. JanN

    J. Perry Guest

    Just Wed. of this week, my favorite import car mechanic "cleaned the PCV
    valve and adjusted the idling" on my '89 Civic that had the exact same type
    of problem. The vehicle now idles perfectly normal. He also mentioned the
    following other things that can lead to this type of problem:
    -Faulty fast idle valve
    -Bad distributor that "can throw the timing off"
    -Faulty IAC valve
    -Faulty PCV valve
    -Improper idle adjustment

    J. Perry
    J. Perry, Feb 7, 2004
  18. JanN

    J. Perry Guest

    Just Wed. of this week, my favorite import car mechanic "cleaned the PCV
    valve and adjusted the idling" on my '89 Civic that had the exact same type
    of problem. The vehicle now idles perfectly normal. He also mentioned the
    following other things that can lead to this type of problem:
    -Faulty fast idle valve
    -Bad distributor that "can throw the timing off"
    -Faulty IAC valve
    -Faulty PCV valve
    -Improper idle adjustment

    J. Perry
    J. Perry, Feb 7, 2004
  19. JanN

    J. Perry Guest

    Just Wed. of this week, my favorite import car mechanic "cleaned the PCV
    valve and adjusted the idling" on my '89 Civic that had the exact same type
    of problem. The vehicle now idles perfectly normal. He also mentioned the
    following other things that can lead to this type of problem:
    -Faulty fast idle valve
    -Bad distributor that "can throw the timing off"
    -Faulty IAC valve
    -Faulty PCV valve
    -Improper idle adjustment

    J. Perry
    J. Perry, Feb 7, 2004
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