Jumping my 1990 Accord DX

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Reboots, Oct 7, 2003.

  1. Reboots

    Reboots Guest

    Hi Guys,

    I need your opinions on repairing my Accord. A week or go I was
    surprised by a railroad crossing while trying to find a quicker way
    home. It was night, and the road was fresh crushed rock. I was going
    about 50 and crossed a barely marked RR crossing. Well, long story
    short, got airborne quite nicely and landed good too. Now for the
    problem. After a day or so, I got a very annoying and dangerous
    feeling vibration in the front end, feels more like driver side. The
    axles were replaced, jack axle too. The motor mounts are good, but
    still getting the vibration. No noise while the vibration occurs
    either. What else should I be checking???

    Thanks in advance!

    Reboots, Oct 7, 2003
  2. Reboots

    E. Meyer Guest

    Probably be a tire starting to come apart. Check the tires for impending
    tread separation.

    Why would you replace the axles for this? It seems much more likely that
    tie rods, control arms, ball joints, bushings, etc., would be bent or blown
    out in a hard landing.
    E. Meyer, Oct 7, 2003
  3. Reboots

    Paul Bielec Guest

    Probably be a tire starting to come apart. Check the tires for impending
    If he didn't get it right away, it might be something as stupid as a balance
    weight that got loose and finally felt off living one of his wheels off
    Might be the tire itself too.
    Inspect the wheels to see if any balance weight is missing. You could try to
    switch tires around to see if the vibration follows the front driver wheel
    or if it keeps coming from the same spot. This way at least you'll be able
    to figure out if it is the wheel or the drivetrain.
    Paul Bielec, Oct 7, 2003
  4. Reboots

    Reboots Guest

    Thanks E. Meyer!

    Tires, rims, control arms already checked. Next to be replaced will be
    bushings and ball joints even though appear fine. One other thing
    about this vibration; it only vibrates when accelerating. If I push
    the clutch in, no vibration. If I let off the gas, the vibration
    minimizes greatly. If I am under 35mph and coasting, no vibration

    I know this is near impossible to diagnose without actually driving
    it, but is there anything else I should check?

    Thanks again!


    Probably be a tire starting to come apart. Check the tires for
    Reboots, Oct 7, 2003
  5. Reboots

    E. Meyer Guest

    If it does it when you let out the clutch in neutral, its probably the
    clutch something connected directly to it.

    Another thought - Is there any chance it landed hard enough to break loose
    an engine or transmission mount? That would give you funniness under
    acceleration because the torque will make things move, but not do much
    E. Meyer, Oct 7, 2003
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