Just bought a used Acura - 95K miles - Top 10 things to maintain ??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by T R, Sep 4, 2003.

  1. T R

    ravelation Guest

    (Pahsons - Somnolent) wrote:

    About Mike Hunt and his band of many screen names:
    It truly is amazing how this ng's take of Mike Hunt is spot on to the
    Toyota ng's take of Mike Hunt. He spews, you keep getting the crap on
    you. I would suggest everyone step aside from the fan, and quit getting
    spewed with his dribble. It's obvious he's a tenacious poster with way
    too much time and (suspect) info on his hands.

    How long has he been here? He's been baiting Toyota for a long time.
    ravelation, Sep 7, 2003
  2. T R

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    Better get back to the home for more treatments, you are
    still confused it appears. ;)

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Sep 8, 2003
  3. Falling asleep through 's post...

    I don't think so

    "If you can't change a tire, you're not allowed to have a beard. It's the
    most basic part of a car: If you don't know that much about a car, you
    really shouldn't be driving, should you?" - Jimmy Kimmel
    Owner of Henry Cotter, apparently not the first,
    Pahsons - Somnolent, Sep 8, 2003
  4. T R

    NetSock Guest

    You have crossed the line of reality my ignorant challenged friend.

    I myself am insulted, that you think the people in this group are so dumb,
    that they would even consider this ridiculous lie as even a half-truth.

    Here's the deal dipstick...apologize to the group, or *PROVE* your

    Its that simple...waiting on you...
    NetSock, Sep 8, 2003
  5. T R

    NetSock Guest

    Really, well I *couldn't* care less about your false fabrications and lies.

    Still waiting for proof liar...
    NetSock, Sep 8, 2003
  6. T R

    NetSock Guest

    Ah yes...avoid the issues and facts by childishly shifting from the
    discussion at hand.

    We are all still waiting Mike...or are you conceding?
    NetSock, Sep 8, 2003
  7. T R

    NetSock Guest

    [ridiculous lie snipped]
    Pot, kettle, black...
    We don't need too.
    See the above "pot" statement...
    NetSock, Sep 8, 2003
  8. T R

    IleneDover Guest

    Conceding what? I never said I lived in Florida. You said that,
    not me. I said a owned a home in Key West FL among others. My
    'home' is in Delaware, for tax purposes, and my domicile is in
    PA. In our business a fleet is 25 or more vehicles. I only have
    seven, and no fleet I.D. number. LOL

    mike hunt
    IleneDover, Sep 8, 2003
  9. T R

    NetSock Guest

    That you are a mark and a liar.
    What the **** are you talking about!? I never said you lived any god damn

    You are, in fact, a proven and blatant liar...period. You have been caught
    here in many, and your credibility is nil.
    Oh here we go...more bull crap so he can look at his own post to "admire"
    his imaginary life.

    Pul-lease...you alleged to run a 7 vehicle fleet, and own 3 homes?

    Stop insulting us and apologize now.
    a yatch." hunt
    NetSock, Sep 8, 2003
  10. Seven vehicles. Six up on blocks in the front yards of the three
    homes which, coincidentally, are also up on blocks. (In fairness, one
    is a double-wide.)
    Gordon McGrew, Sep 9, 2003
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