no, it's not. Look it up. And besides, even so, since when is a remote transmitter a "decorative thing"? It's just another key of sorts (one that electronically unlocks the doors), hanging on the key ring. It's a remote transmitter. Period.[/QUOTE] says: fob n. 1. A small pocket at the front waistline of a man's trousers or in the front of a vest, used especially to hold a watch. 2. 1. A short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch and worn hanging in front of the vest or waist. 2. An ornament or seal attached to such a chain or ribbon. [Probably of Germanic origin.]
The security system is set the first time - the "second push" functionality is just to reassure jittery owners. Quote, " When you push the lock button a second time within 5 seconds after you have locked the doors, the horn will sound once to *verify* that the security system will be set." a
The security system is set the first time - the "second push" functionality is just to reassure jittery owners. Quote, " When you push the lock button a second time within 5 seconds after you have locked the doors, the horn will sound once to *verify* that the security system will be set." a