Kiss of death for GM and perhaps Ford

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jason, Apr 9, 2006.

  1. Jason

    Jason Guest

    I have a copy of the May 2006 issue of Car and Driver (magazine). The
    magazine has an excellent article beginning on page 58 related 6 foreign
    made cars that cost about $15,000 per car. They are really small cars (aka
    These are the companies that make the economobiles:
    Honda Fit Sport
    Hyundai Accent GLS
    Kia Rio5 SX
    Nissan Versa 1.8L
    Suzuki Reno
    Toyota Yaris S

    The car that came in first place in the comparison test was the Honda Fit
    Sport. It actully "sailed through the lane change test 6 mph faster than a
    Corvette Z06." The Honda Fit is now sold in 70 countries and is known in
    Europe as the Jazz.

    One of the reasons that Americans buy GM cars and Ford cars is because of
    their low prices compared to cars made by Honda and Toyota. Now that Honda
    and Toyota will be selling the Honda Fit and the Toyota Yaris at a cost of
    about $15,000 per car, it means those people that plan to buy a low priced
    new car in 2006 or 2007 will probably be buying a Honda Fit or Toyota
    Yaris instead of a low priced Ford or Chevy. Do you agree? Do you agree
    that this could be the final nail in the coffin for GM and perhaps Ford?
    Jason, Apr 9, 2006
  2. I think Car and Driver wants to sell magazines.

    I don't know the shape of things to come in the consumer automotive market,
    but I doubt anything will cause a huge shift of buyers from any major brand
    to another. It seems to me most people have already made up their minds
    which brands of car they would buy and which they will not.

    I do recall that in the mid-70's one of the magazines (Road and Track, IIRC)
    track tested various cars and the Ford Pinto beat the Porsche 911's time
    through the slalom! Outraged readers wanted to know how the obvious error
    got through, so the editors explained: understeering cars have an edge over
    oversteering cars in the slalom, allowing the Pinto (shudder!) to beat the
    Porsche. I just don't think that is why more Pintos were sold than were 911s
    each year.

    Michael Pardee, Apr 9, 2006
  3. Actually it was 6 mph faster than the next fastest car in the
    comparison and faster than the Corvette but we don't know by how much.
    Still a very impressive showing.

    As for being the kiss of death for GM and Ford, Gm and Ford never made
    any money off economy cars anyway. The kiss of death for GM and Ford
    is $3 gas which is killing their monster SUV sales.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 10, 2006
  4. Jason

    tww Guest

    Perhaps more telling was the Consumer Reports 2006 cars edition where CRs
    data indicates that an 8 yr old Toyota/Honda has the same number of problems
    as does a 3 year old Ford or GM product -- and a 2 yr old VW.

    tww, Apr 10, 2006

  5. A major factor is brand loyalty regardless of that particular brand's
    performance over the years. There are simply folks that will NEVER buy
    a foreign car and then those on the other side of the fence that will
    never buy domestic tin.

    As far as "nails in the coffin" for any domestic manufacturer, one must
    consider the costs (high labor), government mandates (far too intrusive)
    and the public's response to sales campaigns.

    I for one am not caught up in the "gotta get a new car" syndrome. One
    of my daily drivers is over fifty years old while the other is almost
    twenty-five years of age and that is way modern 'nuff for this ol' fossil...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 10, 2006
  6. Jason

    Art Guest

    The only thing that can help GM is a 6 year bumper to bumper warranty. That
    would get them a lot of sales. And probably bankrupt them paying for
    Art, Apr 10, 2006
  7. Jason

    John Horner Guest

    I have been saying the GM should put up or shut up about it's much
    bragged about "quality improvements" with a much better warranty for a
    long time now. Reasonable people see the logic, Mike Hunter does not :).

    John Horner, Apr 10, 2006
  8. I don't see much of a market for the Honda Fit. Most people would buy
    the civic instead which offers so much more for less money. Same thing
    with the Suzuki Reno vs the Suzuki Forenza. The Forenza is the better

    America isn't built like prehistoric Europe where there is barely
    enough room for foot traffic. People will buy the larger car for the
    same price or for a slightly higher price than the smaller version.

    It would appear that for every Toyota Echo that was sold there were 10
    more Corollas that were sold. Can you see the pattern?
    twothousandtwoto2007, Apr 10, 2006
  9. Jason

    twfsa Guest

    I would buy a GM or Ford car if they had any kind of reliability, I don't
    mind spending the extra on the domestic brands, what I do mind is sticking a
    bunch of money in it, just after the warranty expires.I think the bidy
    styles are better looking than the foreign cars.

    twfsa, Apr 10, 2006
  10. Sorry, but the Fit costs less than a comparably equipped Civic. I don't
    know about the U.S., but there is definitely a market for the Fit here in
    Canada, where gas costs much more than in the U.S. even after you do the
    necessary conversions (metric to U.S., currency). The Toyota Echo actually
    sold quite well here, and the Yaris looks like it will be equally
    successful. So I have no doubt that the Fit will also do well here.
    High Tech Misfit, Apr 10, 2006
  11. Jason

    Jason Guest

    If the cost of gasoline rises to $4.00 per gallon, it's my guess that the
    Honda Fit Sport, Toyota Yaris S and Suzuki Reno will be very successful.
    That's the main reason those types of cars are so popular in Europe--since
    gas prices are much higher in Europe than in America.
    Jason, Apr 10, 2006
  12. Jason

    Jason Guest

    You are correct. I just re-read the sentence that you mentioned and it's
    clear that I left out some of the words from that sentence in my
    You made a great point related to gas prices in regard to monster SUV
    sales. It's my guess that GM and Ford will have a hard time selling the
    monster sized pickup trucks if the gas prices keep going higher.
    Jason, Apr 10, 2006
  13. Jason

    Jason Guest

    You must be much younger than me. I remember the 1970's when there were
    lines of cars at every gasoline station. They even had to ration gasoline.
    It was the main reason the Jimmy Carter lost the election for a second
    term. The best selling cars (in the !970's) became the really small cars
    such as the Honda Civic and the Volkswagen Bug. If the cost of gasoline
    rises to $4.00 per gallon, it will cause a shift to cars such as the Honda
    Fit and the Toyota Yaris. I doubt that GM and Ford will sell very many
    monster sized SUVs and Pickups if the gasoline rises to $4.00 per gallon.
    Jason, Apr 10, 2006
  14. OK so the Fit is a little less. You still missed the point. Americans
    in general do not gravitate towards mini-compact cars. The situation
    is different in Canada. Yet In Canada people still buy big SUVs. Ever
    watched the TV show "Help you sell" based in Quebec Canada? They are
    driving an Explorer or a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

    twothousandtwoto2007, Apr 11, 2006
  15. OK so the Fit is a little less. You still missed the point. Americans
    in general do not gravitate towards mini-compact cars. The situation
    is different in Canada. Yet In Canada people still buy big SUVs. Ever
    watched the TV show "Help you sell" based in Quebec Canada? They are
    driving an Explorer or a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

    twothousandtwoto2007, Apr 11, 2006
  16. No, I didn't miss the point. I was only pointing out that there is a market
    for those small cars in other places around the world.

    Yes, people are still buying big SUV's here, but not in the large numbers
    of, say, 10 years ago.
    High Tech Misfit, Apr 11, 2006

  17. I can come up with several reasons Carter lost the election, all of
    which are based on his total incompetence.

    1. Foreign Policy blunder #1: Returning the Panama Canal to Panama

    2. Foreign Policy blunder #2: Inability to deal with the Iranian
    hostage crisis

    3. Foreign Policy blunder #3: Failure to deal with the Lebanese civil war

    4. Gutting the military (as evidence by the failure of the Iranian
    hostage rescue attempt)

    5. Presiding over double digit inflation

    6. The pardoning of Vietnam War deserters

    Worse, his incompetence carried forth in later years such as being the
    main architect of the North Korean nuclear issue (along with Richardson
    of New Mexico).

    Jimmy Carter, the Millard Fillmore of the 20th century...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 11, 2006

  18. You bet! I really chuckled over that one...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 11, 2006
  19. Jason

    Jason Guest

    If the cost of gasoline rises to $4.00 per gallon, the Honda Fit Sport,
    Toyota Yaris S. and the Suzuki Reno will become the best selling vehicles
    in America.
    Of course, lots of people that can afford it will continue to buy full
    sized pickups and SUVs. There are lots of people in America that can't
    afford to spend $50.00 or more per week for gasoline. I know several
    people that drive over 50 miles per day to and from work.
    Jason, Apr 11, 2006
  20. If Gas rises to $4 a gallon the best selling cars in america would be
    the Prius and the Civic Hybrid. Including the cars that run off of
    compressed natural gas. Motorcycles would start picking up in sales in
    a way that the states would have never seen before.

    Sure the Fit and Nissan version would be top sellers too but the Prius
    would be one of the most desirable. Honda Insights would start selling
    for a lot of money used.

    twothousandtwoto2007, Apr 11, 2006
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