Leaking 91 Honda Civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by beta_jester, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. beta_jester

    beta_jester Guest

    It seems as though the water is coming in through the roof ... all
    four corners are completely rusted away and it's like stepping into a
    rainforest when you get in the car on rainy days (an inch of water in
    the cabin and super humid).

    We're going to bondo up the holes we can see this weekend, but is
    htere any other place we should check? Going to look around the hatch
    seal next.

    I know it's not coming in from flooding because where we park it
    doesn't flood, and we have several other low slung cars that would
    flood if that were the case.

    And I've been in the car and had water dripping out from the passenger
    side roof handle as I sit there.
    beta_jester, Dec 1, 2003
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