lesson learned re speakers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by merlotbrougham, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. 92 Civic EX sedan. Rear speakers were blown so they were disconnected.
    The originals looked like they had paper cones to bake in the hot sun.
    Off to Best Buy to check out some nice Sony Xplode 5 1/4" on sale for
    39.99 for the fronts and 2-way Pioneer's (with good reviews) for the
    rear. In the store, they all sounded great for 5 1/4's.

    Front door speaker grill pulls right off by hand, unscrew the 3 screws
    holding the speaker down, snip the plastic clip-on adapter, connect
    (solder/tape) the new wires and pop back in. Great.

    The rears were another story. The Pioneer's didn't fit. They were
    noticeably smaller than the factory speakers, but had 4 "ears" to screw
    down instead of the 3 holes on the factory ones. I tried rotating the
    speakers around for a while, but no fit. So, in go the 2 original front
    speakers into the back deck. Back to Best Buy disappointed but saving
    the cost of the Pioneer's.

    Lesson: bring the speaker to Best Buy next time for an exact fit.

    And a good day to all!

    btw- I keep intending to check my mpg, but my 4 year old keeps pressing
    the reset button whenever I turn around -doh!
    merlotbrougham, Feb 6, 2006
  2. Secondary lesson: www.crutchfield.com

    They have a chart that shows which of their many available speakers fit
    which car.
    Howard Lester, Feb 6, 2006
  3. Thanks Howard. That was actually the first place I looked to find the
    speaker size before I even took the old ones out. BB has it right in
    store too. You'd think that 5 1/4 is 5 1/4, but the flanges are
    arranged differently. Kinda like wheel lug arrangement I guess.
    merlotbrougham, Feb 6, 2006
  4. Oh, it gets worse! There can be depth issues, too. I'm glad you got, in the
    end (so to speak), what works for you and your car.
    Howard Lester, Feb 6, 2006
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