Liquid ID needed

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by hutchtoo, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. hutchtoo

    hutchtoo Guest

    Moving my 1994 Honda Civic EX while doing blizzard clean-up duty, I saw some
    drips of yellowish liquid coming from the undercarriage. By the color you
    might blame the neighbor's dog... but it was definitely coming from under
    the car.

    Would appreciate help IDing it if you could -- if that's enough description.
    Thank you!
    hutchtoo, Feb 13, 2006

  2. -------------------------------

    Open the rad cap, dip your finger, drip it on the snow. Probably it.
    Automatic tranny fluid looks pink or brown on snow. Top the reservoir up
    to MAX with Honda premix, not water. Check it next two mornings to see
    if it's leaking or just 'sipping' it into the rad.

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 13, 2006
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