LOL! This newsgroup is a hoot!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by speedy, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. speedy

    speedy Guest

    Sorry guys, but I've been getting a LOT of giggles from "answers" I have
    seen posted here about mechanical problems. There sure is a LOT of
    misinformation spread about Hondas and cars in general.

    All of you who casually use a wrench... Be careful what you read here!
    Its probably in your best interest to pick at least a semi-reliable
    repair shop and pay them for your repair. You probably can't pick the
    right answer from posts heere.

    A big thanks to people like tegger who have assembled real tech info to
    try to help others make good repair decisions. Sorry I may not have
    recognised others who are competent in their answers. I dont read this
    forum enough to know.

    Happy Motoring.. and think twice about what you do with that wrench!

    speedy, Dec 19, 2005
  2. You wouldn't want to legitimize yourself by pointing out some of these
    issues along with the correct answers, would you?

    Nah. I thought not.

    Hey, your mom is calling down--it's time for dinner.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Dec 19, 2005
  3. speedy

    notbob Guest

    Speak for yourself. I'm relatively new here. But, I have discovered
    the solution to both my Honda related problems in this forum.

    Thanks, gang! :)

    notbob, Dec 19, 2005
  4. speedy

    Dr Nick Guest

    I have to say through using newsgroups for all of my cars (saturn, chevy
    lumina, nissan maxima, and now my accord) I've found several helpful answers
    for little problems that I've been able to fix myself. I mena, if somethign
    goes wrong with a car, chances are that someone else has had the same
    problem and can at least point you in the right direction. Great example was
    on my nissan maxima there was a software update needed to turn off an SES
    light (for incorrectly saying the CAT was dead) I had the update and was
    told by the dealer that it wasn't covered under the emissions warranty, I
    had 5 people tell me on the newsgroup that it was, so when I went to get my
    car I told them this, after a LONG argument, I put the bill on a credit card
    and told them they wouldn't see a dime as once I got home, I would call and
    request a charge back, I then called nissan and was told that it WAS
    covered. if it wasn't for the newsgroup I never would of known and probably
    lost 200 some dollars for something that was covered, this is just one
    example, of how newsgroups can be VERY helpful.

    Dr Nick, Dec 19, 2005
  5. speedy

    R. P. Guest

    I second that. I've found more useful answers here than from my
    friendly Honda service advisors. What makes groups like this especially
    reliable is the peer review of the answers. A wrong answers is bound to
    be noticed by someone and corrected. It's the same reason why open
    source software tends to be more bug-free than proprietary one.

    R. P., Dec 19, 2005
  6. speedy

    SoCalMike Guest

    not only that, but it at least gives people an idea of where to start,
    if they WANT to try to find the problem. none of us profess to be
    geniuses and its difficult to do diagnosis over the internet.
    SoCalMike, Dec 19, 2005
  7. speedy

    Remco Guest

    Where did that come from?

    Well, maybe start reading "this enough" and give answers if you are in
    the know -- you almost seem to imply you are a Honda tech so please
    point out where others may be wrong. We're all here on this planet to
    learn, after all. Maybe we can learn something from you.

    Many here are on the forum not because we're having issue with our
    Honda, but are willing to help others and have learned stuff tooling
    around with cars over the years.
    Jump on in, the water is fine.

    If you don't come back, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the
    way out! :)

    Remco, Dec 19, 2005
  8. speedy

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Hey speedy, most of that was assembled from the help offered by kind
    posters (such as Remco) who did post real tech info.

    I'm just a shade-tree grease monkey who knows less than some people here.

    Way to go Remco!

    It's one thing to giggle and sneer, and quite another to actually offer
    HELP (which will find its way into the FAQ.

    BTW, I've been lurking in for a while, and have picked up
    some choice stuff to add.
    TeGGeR®, Dec 19, 2005
  9. speedy

    Remco Guest

    Ditto here, but - John - you have shade?? I am /REAL/ jealous now...
    I would have shade in my garage, but that's where I work on my
    aircooled beetle restoration so have no Honda space there..

    Not to turn this into a mutual admiration society, but you are being
    modest, John. You are the man and that's the only good point the OP

    Remco, Dec 19, 2005
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