Looking for service bulletin link for 2003 Accord brakes issue

Discussion in 'Accord' started by peteluv13, Nov 2, 2004.

  1. peteluv13

    peteluv13 Guest

    There was sometime back when a link was posted for a service bulletin
    about the 03 accord brake issue where the pads and I think rotors get
    replaced b/c of a recall. The 03 accord I own was not subject to that
    recall. So the honda's owner page does not show me this recall, only
    the most current one out (2gear issue). However the brakes issue is
    now beginning to happen to me. I want to print out the info from the
    service bulletin b/c I'm not going to pay for the repairs. The car
    only has about 12000 miles on it and it shouldn't be doing that. I can
    feel the steering wheel horribly shaking when I apply the brakes. The
    sooner the better I get the link b/c I'm bringing it to get the 2gear
    recall fixed this weekend.
    Thanks for the help!!!

    'nuttin but luv for usenet'
    peteluv13, Nov 2, 2004
  2. peteluv13

    Honda Doc Guest

    You are looking for bulletin 03-069. This describes a repair for vehicles
    with "front brake noise or judder". The repair is to resurface the rotors
    and replace the pads. This is NOT a recall. This bulletin only applies to
    certain vehicles within a specified VIN range.
    Honda Doc, Nov 3, 2004
  3. peteluv13

    peteluv13 Guest

    Honda Doc,

    Thank you for getting back to me. Do you know where I might find a
    link to bulletin 03-069? I would to print it out to bring with me to
    the dealer.
    Also I'm aware that this was only geared towards a specific VIN
    because it's happened to a few other people I know that have the same
    make & model, but just bought it earlier in the year than I did. I
    know this is now the case with my car, the steering wheel shakes when
    braking at high speeds. It also began to happen after they rotated my
    tires for the first time. By the way, they've only been rotated once.
    I just want to have this taken care as soon as possible. Thank you
    again for your help.

    'nuttin but luv for usenet'

    On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 19:44:41 -0500, "Honda Doc"

    You are looking for bulletin 03-069. This describes a repair for
    vehicles with "front brake noise or judder". The repair is to
    resurface the rotors and replace the pads. This is NOT a recall. This
    bulletin only applies to certain vehicles within a specified VIN
    peteluv13, Nov 3, 2004
  4. peteluv13

    ED Guest

    ED, Nov 3, 2004
  5. peteluv13

    peteluv13 Guest


    Thanks for the reply. I was wondering though, if there's another link
    that I don't have to pay for to see the bulletin? The link I
    originally saw a while back was not a pay situation.

    'nuttin but luv for usenet'

    peteluv13, Nov 3, 2004
  6. peteluv13

    Howard Guest

    The service bulletin mentioned, # 03-069 is just that, a "service buletin".
    It advises Honda Technicians of a problem being seen with a frequency more
    than expected. It explains the factory recommended solution to the problem.
    The specific solution on this bulletin is to cut the rotors to eliminate the
    warpage and replace the brake pads. It also defines the range of vehicles
    affected and if they are within the warranty period, then warranty will
    apply if your within the specified VIN range and under warranty. IT IS NOT A
    RECALL. The range of vehicles is identified with perhaps an out of spec part
    installed when built and the factory recognizes its responsibility to
    replace these parts and any associated part that would be affected.
    Warped rotors are usuallly caused by either incompatible rotor and pad
    combinations (perhaps the reason for this update or service bulletin),
    improperly torqued wheels when you had a rotation, or overheating the brakes
    such as riding the brake pedal while driving or other extreme condition
    (towing, lots of downhill driving, etc).
    Depending on your relationship with your dealer (ie: are you his customer or
    do you only go there for the free things) you may be eligible for a goodwill
    gesture by the dealership. If they can't pinpoint a normal cause they may
    consider it a warranty issue or they may just not charge you.But don't just
    go in the there with an adamant attitude that you're not going to pay for it
    and demand they fix it. "You catch more flies with honey".
    Also, remember, it is NOT A RECALL and not a mandated repair by the the
    National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) which forces
    or instructs manufacturers to issue recall notices and enforces recalls. It
    is only a recognition and suggestion to properly repair a specific symptom.
    Good luck.
    Howard, Nov 4, 2004
  7. peteluv13

    Chip Stein Guest

    your tires were only rotated once in 12k miles??? the bulletin only
    applies to certain vehicles. it will be up to the dealer on this one.
    if your service history is sketchy with them they may not help. \
    Chip Stein, Nov 5, 2004
  8. peteluv13

    Seth Guest

    Is that always an issue? My '01 Accord has 108,000 miles on it and I've
    never rotated my tires. I replace them at 50K (I'm on my 3rd set, including
    stock) and my tires continue to wear evenly.

    As far as I know, tires don't have to be rotated, it's just to even things
    out IF they aren't wearing evenly.
    Seth, Nov 5, 2004
  9. That is really unusual. In front wheel drive cars the front tires get the
    lion's share of wear. When I had a Dodge 600, our first front wheel drive
    car, I didn't rotate the tires. The rear tires lasted through three sets of
    front tires - about 50K miles.

    Michael Pardee, Nov 5, 2004
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