looking to buy air outlet for 1991 accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Robert Blank, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. Robert  Blank

    Robert Blank Guest

    Hi all - looking to buy a center air outlet (that's the vent right in
    the center of the dashboard) for a 1991 or equiv Accord EX.

    Anyone have a spare or a used unit? I can't see $35 froma n online
    dealer - this sia GREAT car but it's not in my budget....
    Robert Blank, Feb 12, 2004
  2. Robert  Blank

    E. Meyer Guest

    Even a junk yard is probably going to want $35, but that is where you should
    E. Meyer, Feb 12, 2004
  3. Robert  Blank

    E. Meyer Guest

    Even a junk yard is probably going to want $35, but that is where you should
    E. Meyer, Feb 12, 2004
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