Loose caliper on Integra?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by RkFast, Jun 21, 2005.

  1. RkFast

    RkFast Guest

    95 Teg LS....

    Did a complete brake job, including two new rear calipers (old ones were
    binding up pretty good). About a month after I finished the job, I'm hearing
    a pretty loud knocking from the rear when going slow over bumps. Noise goes
    away when I depress brake pedal or pull on e-brake handle a few clicks. So I
    dive underneath and start pulling on things to see what's loose. Get to the
    calipers and when I pulled on them by the brake hose boss and giggle, they
    deflect a good 1/8 -1/4 of an inch back and forth!

    That's not right, is it? No car I've ever worked on had their calipers move
    at all, even when retracted. I'm thinking the rebuilder did a lousy job and
    used wrong hardware...surprising ,but I guess possible.

    RkFast, Jun 21, 2005
  2. After getting the front brake pads done on my 98 civic, I noticed a clunk
    when I went over bumps as well. It ended up being the way the pads fit in
    there, maybe honda changed manufacturers or something, cuz those pads just
    don't fit in there properly.

    I took it back to the dealership and they tried to make it better, (and
    succeeded, I think by bending some of the shims a little). However, now its
    about 30000kms later, and I notice a 'click' upon acceleration and another
    pronounced 'click' when I decelerate. This only happens in 1st and 2nd gear,
    i guess the other gears the deceleration is more gradual. The only thing I
    can trace it down to is that the pads are shifting inside the caliper. I
    checked my driveshafts, and the outer joints on both are super tight,
    otherwise i would have suspected that. I have also replace a tie rod end on
    the driver side, it was toast, but did not solve the clicking.

    Thats what I came up with anyways. Any other thoughts out there?
    disallow via CarKB.com, Jun 21, 2005
  3. RkFast

    RkFast Guest

    This isn't the pad moving, its caliper itself. You can grab hold of it,
    wiggle it back and forth and see it move.

    The only thing I can think of is that the rebuilder user the incorrect size
    slider pins.
    RkFast, Jun 21, 2005
  4. RkFast

    Professor Guest

    Maybe missing anti-rattle clips for caliper slide if equipped?

    Check out FlashAlert at www.telstar-electronics.com
    Professor, Jun 21, 2005
  5. RkFast

    RkFast Guest

    Nope...they are there.
    RkFast, Jun 21, 2005
  6. RkFast

    Professor Guest

    Well maybe your incorrect slider pins theory may be correct. There
    should be very little slop in the caliper slide mechanism.

    Check out FlashAlert at www.telstar-electronics.com
    Professor, Jun 21, 2005
  7. RkFast

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Do you mean "back and forth" as in to the front of the car and rearwards,
    or to the left and right of the car?

    Are you certain the pads are *completely free* on their mount bracket? That
    the pistons are moving out properly on both sides?

    When you remove the caliper, both pads ought to almost literally fall off
    the mount bracket.

    Once piston adjustment has been completed, it should be impossible to move
    the caliper at all by hand without a hefty push.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 21, 2005
  8. RkFast

    TeGGeR® Guest

    And "back and forth" is what? Left to right relative to the car, or front-
    to-back relative to the car?

    This is important, as it means different problems.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 22, 2005
  9. RkFast

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Which way is "back and forth"? Front-to-back on the car, or left-to-right
    on the car?

    Those pins are only 3/8" in diameter where they go into the caliper mount
    bracket. If you've got up to 1/4" of play, then you've got some *very*
    serious issues here.

    Once the pistons have extended fully, there ought to be NO play. I suspect
    the pistons are not actually extending as they should. I wonder if the
    adjusting screws are sticking in the piston and not rotating properly.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 23, 2005
  10. RkFast

    RkFast Guest

    Front to back, left to right...all over the place.

    Well, I solved the issue.

    Took out a pin and replaced it with NEW one from Acura. The pin was very
    loose in the bracket hole. So it appears that whoever did the rebuilt
    "bored" out these holes and they are just plain too big. So I went with a
    new set of calipers direct from Acura. So far, problem solved. Caliper can
    still be moved around a bit...but its much much "tighter".

    Thanks, everyone for your help.
    RkFast, Jun 23, 2005
  11. RkFast

    Abeness Guest

    Odd. One would think they'd match the pins to the caliper... I just
    installed a reman caliper on my Civic, and the pins came with it, as I
    assume they did with yours. Got mine OEM, and the pins fit perfectly.
    Hope you can recoup the cost of the bad calipers.
    Abeness, Jun 23, 2005
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