Lost power steering / dash lights on 99 accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Mike, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Good afternoon all. I did a search of the archives, and read through
    Teggers FAQ, but wasn't able to find any details for this specific issue.
    Thanks for your time.

    My wife has a '99 Honda Accord sedan, 4-cylinder 5 speed with 115K miles.
    About once every few months for a year or more, she has complained that it
    "loses power." This has now escalated to three times in a week, and is a
    pretty significant issue for us - if we can't figure it out we're going to
    have to sell the car for safety reasons. Unfortunately I haven't
    experienced this yet as it's not my daily driver, so some of the details
    that she offers aren't exactly complete and I recognize that. Nonetheless,
    here are the symptoms, and I'm hoping these ring a bell with someone.

    Yesterday when making a left turn into a parking lot at about 20MPH, she
    states the steering wheel "locked up" while making the turn, and she nearly
    ran into a telephone pole. Sounds to me based on her explanation that she
    lost power steering as she said it was incredibly difficult to turn. She
    said that when it happened, all the lights on the dash came on, but the
    radio was still on and the engine was still running. She stopped/restarted
    the car, problem resolved. I'm not 100% sure why the power steering would
    be affected if the engine was still running, but my job is in IT not fixing
    Hondas unfortunately. :)

    When this has happened in the past it was just the dash-lights turning on
    and a loss of power briefly so this wasn't an urgent of a problem. It's
    only happened before while sitting at an intersection stopped (dash lights
    turn on/car may or may not stop running) or driving straight (loss of power,
    dash lights on), so in the past she just restarted the car and off she went.
    I didn't know about the loss of power steering until recently. Besides this
    little hiccup, the car is flawless (and paid for), so we'd love to resolve
    it if possible. If it's relevant, we live in NC and the weather has been
    VERY hot as of late, but previous problems have been throughout the year.

    I had the alternator checked this morning at an Advance Auto for grins, it
    tested out fine. Any other ideas regarding things to check/repairs/tests?

    Much appreciated.

    - Mike
    Mike, Aug 31, 2007
  2. Thats a weird one, have not run across this before.

    First things first, have you had the steering system inspected? Leaks,
    components worn out, damage, etc?

    Also, is the P/S fluid at the right level? Have you ever had it changed?

    Does the P/S pump make any funny noises?

    What kind of shape is the drive belt in? Is there a squeal or noise that
    occurs when the problem happens?

    Start there. Let us know what you find.

    Terry in Winnipeg
    loewent via CarKB.com, Aug 31, 2007
  3. Mike

    E Meyer Guest

    This sounds like the old ignition switch problem (there was a recall for
    it), except for your assertion that the engine keeps running.

    If all the dash lights came on and the power steering stopped working, I
    find it really hard to believe the engine was still running, especially
    since the fix has been to restart the engine. Maybe you ought to quiz her
    some more and see if "loses power" doesn't really mean the engine died.

    If it is a failing ignition switch, replacing it is fairly simple and might
    even be free if yours was one of the ones recalled.
    E Meyer, Aug 31, 2007
  4. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Thanks for the reply.

    No, I haven't had it inspected yet, but my garage floor is clean as a
    whistle in regards to any obvious/heavy leaks. I will check the lines
    tonight as best I can and the fluid level. Power steering fluid has
    probably been changed once in the life of the car - I know that sucks - and
    we are the original owners. To be honest (please educate me), I'm not sure
    why low fluid would cause all the dash lights to come on, though I
    understand why it's a problem overall with the system and might cause issues
    while turning.

    No noises from the pump that I'm aware of, but I just started driving the
    car regularly today. I'll be paying close attention over the weekend.

    I also had the timing belt / drive belts / waterpump / etc. changed at 90 or
    95K, but I will take a better look today. They definitely don't squeal, and
    during my uneducated cursory review of the belts while the hood was up this
    morning - well, they looked OK to me. No cracks/bad seams/etc.

    I have an appointment next week with my independent mechanic (lots of folks
    here at my office use them for Hondas, generally very reliable), but
    verbally he indicated the difficulty of diagnosing the problem without a
    repro which is quite understandable. That's part of the reason for my post
    is to hit a large audience - that and the fact that I'd rather do it myself
    if it's not too much of a PITA.

    Thanks again!

    - Mike
    Mike, Aug 31, 2007
  5. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Thank you for the reply.

    Yes, I asked her the same question about a dozen times, including right
    before I posted the initial thread - which was part of my comment about
    details not being complete. It sure seemed to me like symptoms of the
    engine dying. I've wondered if the previous issues at stoplights were just
    idle issues, and if other times on the road she just popped the clutch and
    got it running again. Everytime it ever happened before she was sitting
    still or going straight, so would have never noticed the power steering
    gone. Still hard to say as I haven't had it happen to me yet.

    I remember the ignition thing now - I just called the dealer where I bought
    the car, and I had that switch replaced under the recall back in 2002. They
    said they would test it again (somehow heat the ignition switch???) to see
    if there is still a problem and will replace it for free under the recall.
    I have that appointment now on Tuesday AM. Between that and Terry's
    suggestions, hopefully we can narrow it down.


    - Mike
    Mike, Aug 31, 2007
  6. the OP mentioned this is a 5spd. I suppose it is concievable that if the
    engine did die and lost all power, if the clutch was in when this happened,
    and then she released the clutch while the car is still moving, the car could

    very theoretical.... :)

    loewent via CarKB.com, Sep 1, 2007
  7. Mike

    Mike Guest

    I checked the car this weekend, and found no leaks, no funny noises, correct
    fluid levels, and a good belt. The problem did not reproduce over the
    weekend (figures).

    I took it into the dealer this morning, and they replaced the ignition
    switch under warranty. Their paperwork was...um...questionable, as they
    showed me coming in for the warranty work back in 2002, but never actually
    showed the part being replaced. According to the service guy (I didn't talk
    to the tech), they saw some "burn marks" on the old ignition. Having never
    actually held an ignition switch in my hand, I'm not sure if that is
    legitimate and expected for any switch with 110K miles, or if it was an
    actual problem that explains my issues.

    If the problem resurfaces I'll be sure and update the group, and if anyone
    can tell me if "burn marks" are in-and-of-themselves bad, it would be much

    Thanks all.

    - Mike
    Mike, Sep 4, 2007
  8. Mike

    E Meyer Guest

    The switches fail due to arcing between the contacts in the switch. Seeing
    burn marks is enough evidence to replace the switch.
    E Meyer, Sep 4, 2007
  9. Mike

    Mike Guest


    Thanks for the help folks, most appreciated. I raise a glass in your

    - Mike
    Mike, Sep 6, 2007
  10. Mike

    sarinraman Guest

    I am having the same problem in my 99 Honda Accord LX. Did you pay for
    the ignition switch?


    sarinraman, Sep 6, 2007
  11. Mike

    Mike Guest

    No I did not have to pay, and our is the same car (99 Accord LX Sedan
    5speed). They had a recall or TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) for this
    issue quite awhile back. It should still be covered and the dealer should
    be aware.
    Mike, Sep 7, 2007
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