Loud squealing/squeaking noise in 1998 Civic LX

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Arinté, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. Arinté

    Arinté Guest

    Well before this squealing started, about 2 weeks ago I had to get my
    exhaust manifold replaced (which includes the catalytic converter, thanks
    Honda) and the dealership was going to charge 800+, so I went to a honda
    specialist and they used OEM parts and did it for 600+ It ran fine up until
    2 days ago, when I started to get the loud squeak when I am driving.

    It seems to be heat related because it doesn't happen in the morning (about
    80 degrees), but when I leave work and it is 95+ outside it squeaks in the
    early part of my drive.

    It is a sort of vibrating squeal, like something is twisting around.

    Does this sound familiar? It sounds as if it is near the front of the car
    all the way at the bottom.
    Arinté, Aug 9, 2007
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