Low gas mileage for 1998 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by jbourgeois, Sep 26, 2004.

  1. jbourgeois

    jbourgeois Guest

    I have a 1998 Accord with 117k. It gets 22 mpg in town and 32 highway.
    Recently I had an evaporation system repair: the 2-way valve and canister
    were replaced.

    Any thoughts on why the gas mileage is so low?

    Also, the engine "bucks" occasionally; in other words as I am driving
    forward it almost halts for a second and then zooms forward again. Not sure
    if this problem is related, but any advice on that would be welcome too.
    jbourgeois, Sep 26, 2004
  2. jbourgeois

    motsco_ _ Guest


    What does your manual say about valve adjustments, and have you changed
    the PCV valve? Does it 'buck' when the engine is warming up, or hot, and
    have you had your timing belt done recently?

    Tried using gasohol for a while?

    motsco_ _, Sep 27, 2004
  3. Why do you think this is low?
    Steve Bigelow, Sep 27, 2004
  4. jbourgeois

    Pete Guest

    Yeah, really. Considering the official figures are 23/30 for auto and 25/31
    for manual, his figures are right on, taking driving habits into account.

    When was the last time you replaced your air filter and your spark plugs?


    Pete, Sep 27, 2004
  5. 32 mpg, "so low"? That's pretty damn good if you ask me!

    Rattus the RAT, Sep 27, 2004
  6. jbourgeois

    jbourgeois Guest

    I guess I thought that Hondas were supposed to have higher gas mileage, but
    I guess mine is normal.

    The air filter is known to be dirty, and I haven't changed the spark plugs.
    I just got the car three weeks ago, so I don't know if the timing belt has
    been changed. I haven't had a compression test either, perhaps this would
    help evaluate the condition of the valves?

    The engine bucks when hot, as I'm driving along (sometimes at low speeds and
    sometimes on the highway, even with cruise control on).
    jbourgeois, Sep 28, 2004
  7. Did fuel economy change recently for the same driver on the same roads?
    Timothy J. Lee, Sep 28, 2004
  8. jbourgeois

    Don Enderton Guest

    Which engine do you have, the 4 cylinder or the 6 cylinder?

    It makes a difference.

    - Don
    Don Enderton, Oct 9, 2004
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