Lower Control Arm Bushing Bad Says Tech

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by svadas, Oct 31, 2003.

  1. svadas

    svadas Guest

    Tried to get my 95 Civic (120k miles) aligned today at what I feel is
    a reputable local shop. They put it up and said that the bushings in
    my lower control arms are bad so they can't balance it. They said
    they have to get the control arms from Honda and the parts alone are
    $250 per side. Couple that with 1.3 hours of labor per side and these
    little bushing would run me $755. Is there an easier way out of this?
    I can't see it being this expensive, but I know there is something
    wrong with my alignment. What should I do?
    svadas, Oct 31, 2003
  2. svadas

    BillW Guest

    You might try some online parts stores. Majestic Honda shows them at $192.
    You might also check with some auto parts stores locally for possibly
    rebuilt units....
    BillW, Oct 31, 2003
  3. svadas

    TCS Guest

    run, don't walk, away.

    Bushing run about $50 per side. The control arm should never have to be
    replaced unless the car was in an accident.
    TCS, Oct 31, 2003
  4. svadas

    TCS Guest

    $192 just for a bushing? Or is it not replaceable without replacing the
    control arm?
    TCS, Oct 31, 2003
  5. svadas

    svadas Guest

    OK, I see that my local tire shop isn't the proper place to go for
    this sort of repair. I don't think they were trying to screw me,
    probably just above their knowledge. What sort of place should I call
    for quotes. The car was never in an accident so the arm itself should
    be fine, and they did say it was just the bushings that were shot.
    They were hesitant about recommending the $750 service too vs just
    driving it.

    Another sort of similar problem I have that I might want to address
    while they are working on the car is that the CV boot has cracked on
    both sides. It's not leaking yet, but I would say soon it will. What
    should I do about it and how much is reasonable to pay? I would
    assume the labor should be cheaper as it's right in the same area in
    the car. Any help would be appreciated.
    svadas, Nov 1, 2003
  6. svadas

    BillW Guest

    Good luck finding the bushing as they aren't available separately. They are
    apparently built in the arm......
    BillW, Nov 1, 2003
  7. svadas

    TCS Guest

    Get them replaced immediately and NEVER return to that shop again.
    It is very likely that they were cut.
    TCS, Nov 1, 2003
  8. svadas

    Bo Williams Guest

    Oh, come on. A nearly nine-year-old car with 120K miles? It's very
    plausible that the boots are worn out.
    Bo Williams, Nov 2, 2003
  9. svadas

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Front lower arm bushings:

    Rear trailing arm bushing:

    Rear lower arm bushing
    Jafir Elkurd, Nov 2, 2003
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