main relay vs ignition switch while driving

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by michalis0, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. michalis0

    jim beam Guest

    well, mine have never lasted 20 years that's for sure. i'm 6 for 6 on
    88-91 civics having this problem. i first encountered it when a vehicle
    was only 10 years old, and its previous owner had evidently had problems
    with it for some time prior to selling.

    regarding solder, this is a soft alloy that operates at a highly
    elevated temperature relative to its melting point. expose it to
    thermal cycling [the relay runs hot you'll notice] and you have a
    problem just waiting to happen. the solution is to either use a
    different switching arrangement that doesn't generate as much heat
    [cycle] /or/ to use a different jointing method like spot welding or
    crimping. but the relay manufacturer should know all this. i still say
    this relay is a cheap and cheesy design. the circuit board is low
    quality and the relay internals are designed primarily to prevent
    intervention, not for serviceability [either kind]. i say mitsuba knew
    exactly what they were doing with this relay right from the start
    [relays are old technology and their problems are well known] and that
    they elected to go for what they knew would result in life limitation.

    life limitation is nothing new. i once had a car clock that failed. on
    disassembly, i discovered a soft solder rivet had separated breaking the
    electrical supply. the interesting thing was, the rivet was held in
    tension by a spring! solder [lead] tends to creep over time, especially
    when kept warm. life limitation? you bet! there was no other
    practical explanation for the rivet/spring combo. a fuse would have
    protected against overload and the spring had no mechanical function.
    anyway, i soldered a wire in place instead and the clock worked again,
    just like a repaired relay.
    jim beam, Sep 10, 2006
  2. Something like that. The crux of the problem is that the solder is used to
    support the relays instead of the relays being cemented to the board and
    solder used to stabilize the connection. Beginners are taught not to use
    solder for strength or for carrying current, but I guess relay module mfrs
    aren't bound by the same code. They use solder for both simultaneously.

    Michael Pardee, Sep 10, 2006
  3. Disclaimer - only my guess:
    Lead alloys seem to make better contact when carrying current, as seen in
    car batteries with broken internal connections. I realize battery terminals
    do the opposite because of powerful corrosive influences. Anyway, I suspect
    the current creates a hot spot that effectively welds a small spot in the
    connection and adjusts itself in size so that the connection stays slightly
    below the melting point. When the current stops and the spot cools it is
    prone to cracking, and something must change when the whole thing cools off
    even more.

    As I said, just a guess.

    Michael Pardee, Sep 10, 2006
  4. michalis0

    Burt Guest

    Yeah, the solder will fail in 8-10 years. But it's the
    electrical components that will last.
    Spot welding or crimping would be expensive and not already in
    their machine assembly line. One solution might be to replace the
    relays with transistors, heat-sinks and some breathing holes.
    I don't know why a spring is put into a [digital?] clock without
    a purpose. You sure the spring isn't a spring resistor?
    Burt, Sep 11, 2006
  5. michalis0

    jim beam Guest

    transistors always drop voltage - not necessarily what you want. and
    30A rated devices aren't cheap.
    it was an electric dial clock. no, the spring wasn't a resistor - it
    would have been rated at ~10+W for a milliamp application. a "real"
    resistor would have done the job better if that was what was required.
    besides, it was hooked onto the chassis at one end, and onto the tab
    retained by the lead rivet at the other - no reason to use a lead rivet
    when it could have been brass, copper, etc.
    jim beam, Sep 12, 2006
  6. michalis0

    Jim Yanik Guest

    They also are much more vulnerable to failure than a simple
    electromechanical relay.
    Lots of destructive spikes in an auto electrical system.

    Maybe a bimetal thermal protection device?
    If too much current is drawn,the strip bends and breaks the electrical
    Jim Yanik, Sep 12, 2006
  7. michalis0

    jim beam Guest

    indeed. interestingly, since i fitted magnecor plug leads to my civic,
    shifting has been much better [it's automatic]. i haven't scoped the
    "before & after" on any of the ecu inputs, but it seems to me that if
    ignition-induced signal noise is suppressed, the ecu can manage its
    business a bit better. probably wouldn't be noticeable on a stick, but
    on the auto, it doesn't "fluff" around shift points any more. weird,
    but most welcome. i haven't touched anything else. didn't even take
    the plugs out.
    no, wasn't bi-metal, it was literally a lead-type rivet holding a brass
    tab into which one end of the spring was hooked, with the other end of
    the spring hooked into another part of the chassis. maybe it was
    bismuth with a low melting point like those trick spoons. but the point
    is, it served no purpose that a fuse couldn't perform, and once failed,
    the clock not only didn't work but was "irreparable". bizarre why
    anyone would go to such lengths to obsolete a clock.
    jim beam, Sep 12, 2006
  8. michalis0

    Burt Guest

    It's the current you want not the voltage. Transistors are proven.
    Common, solid state devices have high marks for reliability than
    mechanical relays. A relay will have moving part that can produce
    arcing. Also, any spikes can be quashed by a shunt diode.
    Burt, Sep 12, 2006
  9. michalis0

    jim beam Guest

    it's watts you want to look out for. watts = volts x amps. if the
    voltage drops across a p-n junction, and it does, about 0.6V, at 30A,
    that's 18W you're wasting [and heat you have to dissipate]. relays, for
    all their other faults, don't have that kind of problem.
    agreed, but they're not always the best solution. using silicon
    transistors on a 12V system is going to step down your voltage 5% each
    time it encounters a junction. that makes relays look attractive from
    an efficiency viewpoint.
    jim beam, Sep 13, 2006
  10. michalis0

    Burt Guest

    In applications where zero voltage drop is important there are already
    ways to do this by selecting the appropriate transistor. A small voltage
    drop of (.2V or .6V) isn't enough to slow down the fuel pump.
    The relays used in the main relays can cost more and will generate
    heat. So much heat that you can't put your fingers on it for more
    than a second. Eventually, it'll run so hot that the contacts will
    weld together.
    Burt, Sep 13, 2006
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