Maintenace Required Light

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Paul, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. Paul

    Paul Guest

    Can anyone tell me how to turn off the maintenqce required light on a '99
    Accord. It just had the works done for the 120k service by Honda and does
    not need maintenance.

    Paul, Aug 6, 2005
  2. Paul

    GK Guest

    I'd love to know as well. I have a '04 Civic. I had the 15,000
    maintenance done at Midas, the light went on around 18K. I took it to
    Honda yesterday just in case it needed something else. The tech pushed
    and held two buttons on the dash, one which seemed to be the
    speedometer. The other was further under the steering wheel.
    GK, Aug 6, 2005
  3. Paul

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Has HOnDA stopped the practice of including OWNER'S MANUALS with their
    vehicles? My '97 and my '98 both came with one . . . . .

    motsco_ _, Aug 6, 2005
  4. Paul

    Brian Smith Guest

    I don't believe that's the case. The real problem is with the school system.
    Reading from books is not taught any longer.

    Brian Smith, Aug 6, 2005
  5. Paul

    Bluegoose Guest

    On my 2002 Honda Civic, the procedure is NOT listed in the owners manual.
    Just the generic"take it in" speech.
    I did an internet search and did trial and error based on several different
    The method that seemed to work was 1) press and HOLD odometer reset PB and
    2) Turn ignition to start. (start the vehicle).
    I might have had to do this twice.

    Occurred at ~ 32K miles, well after the 30K maintenance. Evidently the
    milage trigger was not reset at that time.

    Bluegoose, Aug 6, 2005
  6. Paul

    Brian Smith Guest

    That's interesting, the instructions are listed in my Owners Manual for my
    2001 Accord.
    My instructions state to hold the reset button in, while turning the
    ignition switch to the "run" position without starting the engine.
    Something didn't work as it was supposed to, that's evident.


    P.S. Now the original Poster knows how to reset his Maintenance indicator
    without reading his manual, lol.

    Brian Smith, Aug 6, 2005
  7. Paul

    GK Guest

    Evidently no one taught manners either. Simple question, could've been
    a simple answer. Most of the questions here could be answered in
    owner's manuals. People simply respond out of courtesy.
    GK, Aug 6, 2005
  8. Paul

    Bluegoose Guest

    Turning the key to the "run" position without starting was one of the trial
    methods that didn't work for me.
    Again, this was not covered in My owners manual, just take it in and have
    them check it type stufff.

    Bluegoose, Aug 6, 2005
  9. Paul

    Brian Smith Guest

    It's strange how it's mentioned in one Manual and not in the next one.
    Brian Smith, Aug 6, 2005
  10. Paul

    Brian Smith Guest

    When the question can be answered much faster by calling a dealership or
    looking the answer up in the Owners Manual or even doing a search of
    previous topics covered in any newsgroup, it becomes seeing the same
    question asked over and over again.

    As a matter of fact the same question was asked at the start of this week,
    the middle of last week, the end of the week before and so on since I've
    been participating/lurking here.

    It only takes a few minutes (or days) depending on which method a person
    wants to employ to find the answer he (or she) is looking for.

    Brian Smith, Aug 6, 2005
  11. "GK" wrote
    It's not so much about manners as much as people here seem to CARE that
    other Honda owners learn to be self-reliant, and to discover they can
    actually -- gosh -- learn something on their own. What would you have done
    before the Internet existed? (That's a serious question.)

    Just for "fun" I got out my '04 Accord manual to see if I could find it. It
    took a while; it's listed under Instruments and Controls/Gauges. I first
    looked under the Maintenance heading, and it was not there.

    The people who are showing "bad manners" here are venting their frustrations
    at similar past inquiries... and effectively taking it out on you, the
    latest victim. ;)
    Howard Lester, Aug 7, 2005
  12. Paul

    Bluegoose Guest

    I looked again and found it also. I must have been in a hurry with the

    Bluegoose, Aug 7, 2005
  13. Paul

    Paul Guest

    I found the answer to my own question here:

    Thanks to everyone who has helped me with this answer, and not to all the
    know-it-alls out there with the wise cracks who have a lot to say except to
    answer the question.

    Paul, Aug 7, 2005
  14. Paul

    Woody Guest

    You have to hold the reset and leave it in run until the maint light goes
    out, It isn't instant...
    Woody, Aug 7, 2005
  15. Paul

    Woody Guest

    The dealer should have reset it when he did the service. Call him and ask
    why he didn't and make him explain how to reset it. Next time he may
    remember. The light does not have to be on to do the reset. It should be
    reset when the service is done to start a new cycle. Done properly you will
    never see the Maint light on........
    Woody, Aug 7, 2005
  16. Paul

    GK Guest

    Thank you for the link. That's one to bookmark.
    GK, Aug 8, 2005
  17. Paul

    Seth Guest

    Are you sure you're not mixing up the description of the Service Engine and
    Maintenance Required lights? One is resettable via the dash (MRL) the other
    requires a scan tool (SER).
    Seth, Aug 9, 2005
  18. Paul

    Seth Guest

    Funny thing is, the "know-it-alls" with the "wise cracks" are usually the
    more knowledgeable people who may now not help you with a serious problem in
    the future. Polite or not, they are trying to guide you towards your FIRST
    line of defense, the owners manual. SECOND line is reviewing the previously
    covered topics, then if not found ask.

    Now, they may have added you to their kill filters, so next time you're
    here, up a creek with a serious problem, they will ignore you.
    Seth, Aug 9, 2005
  19. I have recently become one of the legion advising every driver to read the
    owner's manual front to back. I've come across a couple posts (in other
    groups) by people who may have damaged their car by doing what they didn't
    know was wrong although the manual said it plainly. In Hondas, the timing
    belt change interval and not shifting automatics forward/reverse while
    rolling are good examples. RTFM or pay dearly.

    Michael Pardee, Aug 10, 2005
  20. Paul

    RM Guest

    not everyone bought their car new. I have had 2 hondas now (used) and
    neither came with any manuals. Off to Ebay to get one everytime.
    RM, Aug 10, 2005
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