Maintenance for 4 yr old TL w/ 16K

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jaynews, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. jaynews

    jaynews Guest

    My 2003 3.2 TL (bought in 11/02) has around 16K. I'm scheduling some
    routine maintenance for next week. Other than an oil/filter change, I'm
    thinking of having the brake fluid changed (since the manual actually says
    to do this every 3 years and nobody at Acura mentioned this to me last year
    when I brought it in). Does the brake fluid really need changing now even
    at only 16K, or should I wait some more?

    I'm also thinking about having and the tires rotated and rebalanced. Is the
    rebalancing really necessary?

    Anything else that needs to be done at this time that I might be


    jaynews, Oct 23, 2006
  2. jaynews

    D.D. Pallmer Guest

    4000 miles/year? Cheaper and less hassle to take taxis.
    D.D. Pallmer, Oct 23, 2006
  3. jaynews

    KennyB Guest

    Follow the guidelines in the owner's manual and always be sure to use
    the specified chemicals. Honda's ATF and power steering fluid are
    proprietary; i.e. manufacturer specific. In your case, you would use
    the "time"; not "mileage" schedule. Drain and refill the automatic
    trans as well. I would do this every 15k miles. Don't let anyone
    sell you a "flush," either. All that does is "flush" money from your
    wallet. If you change the ATF regularly, it is unlikely that you'll
    have any trans. problems. As far as the tires are concerned, consider
    two things: Tire wear and presence/absence of vibration around 65 mph.
    If wear is normal and ride and drive are smooth, why spend more than
    you have to? But, do rotate the tires regardless, and maintain proper
    tire pressure. The A/C cabin filter should be looked at as well.
    KennyB, Oct 23, 2006
  4. jaynews

    jaynews Guest

    <<4000 miles/year? Cheaper and less hassle to take taxis.>>

    Working at home helps keep the milage low. Yeah, it probably would be
    cheaper taking taxis given the high cost of NJ insurance. Not sure it
    would be less hassle though, given that I live in the suburbs.

    jaynews, Oct 23, 2006
  5. jaynews

    klabu Guest

    geesh put some mileage on the thing or get a beater
    klabu, Oct 24, 2006
  6. jaynews

    ACAR Guest

    In addition to KennyB's suggested items I'd add inspection of the
    engine air filter and PCV valve. 16K miles between tire rotations is
    about twice as long as most tire shops suggest. You probably go in for
    one oil change/year; be a sport and also have them rotate the tires at
    every oil change. See pattern A on
    No point in rebalancing the tires unless you've got a vibration.
    ACAR, Oct 24, 2006
  7. jaynews

    John Horner Guest

    Brake fluid is a good idea. Please only have your work done by someone
    experienced with Honda/Acura products either a dealer or a specialist

    As far as the tires I don't get them rebalanced unless I feel some
    excessive vibration, but then again I am very sensitive to vibration.
    That said, the cost to have the balanced checked while the tires are off
    for rotation should be very little. In my case I do my own rotations
    and have a shop do the work if balance and rotation are called for.

    John Horner, Oct 24, 2006
  8. jaynews

    John Horner Guest

    That all depends upon where you live!

    John Horner, Oct 24, 2006
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