"Maintenance Required". . .Flash . . . Flash . . .

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Evan, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. Evan

    Evan Guest

    "Maintenance Required". . .Flash . . . Flash . . .

    Our "Maintenance Required" light is flashing when we start our 03'
    accord. My wife (the primary driver) says it is flashing for longer
    every day.

    I assume it wants its oil changed? It is 300 miles shy of its 2nd oil
    change. It is primarily around town, so I will do it this weekend,
    any way.

    My question, doses this thing count oil cycles, and keeps up with oil
    life? Will I need to reset something so that it knows I have changed
    the oil, or is it smarter then our explore (you have to recent the oil
    counter in an explore)? Or could this be something else that needs
    attention sooner.

    Dose Maintenance Required = check engine = could be trouble
    Or doses it simply = oil changing time or air filter or something

    03' 4cyl EX if that matters


    Evan, Oct 13, 2003
  2. Evan

    Robert Guest

    Robert, Oct 13, 2003
  3. Evan

    Sean Dinh Guest

    Sean Dinh, Oct 13, 2003
  4. Evan

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    It's just a reminder light. Think of it as an alarm clock that goes off every
    7500 miles or so.

    In the previous gen Accord, you had to hold the odometer/reset button on the
    dash and turn the key to "ON" Do this once a month and the light will never

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Oct 13, 2003
  5. You bought this car shiny new, and you've never once read the owner's

    Shame on you.

    And you come here to get free advice, instead of reading your fucking
    owner's manual.

    You should be shot.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Oct 13, 2003
  6. What is it with Usenet and rude fockers.

    Go put your head back in the toilet you pulled it out of, puke pie.
    Anonymous Sender, Oct 14, 2003
  7. What is it with Usenet and rude fockers.

    Go put your head back in the toilet you pulled it out of, puke pie.[/QUOTE]

    **** you. This idiot is too stupid to read the owner's manual of his
    shiny $25,000 car--and he wants someone to spoon feed him. For free.
    Waaaaah. Poor baby.

    This being the net, we should give him advice that's worth what he pays
    for it. Step 1: pull steering wheel. Step 2:...
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Oct 14, 2003
  8. Evan

    Dave Guest

    (Evan) spoke these words in
    on 13 Oct 2003:
    I have a 2002 Civic and I have to reset the system every time I do an oil
    change otherwise that light comes on (longer each time). Check your
    manual to find out exactly which button you have to push on your dash and
    how long you have to hold it.

    It could also be that you really do need your engine checked. Mine starts
    off by flashing for 10 secs. Then after a few more thousand km's it
    flashes for 10 secs then stays on for another 20. Then after some more
    km's it flashes and then stays on permanently. If yours isn't doing that
    and has just come on... get it checked.
    Dave, Oct 14, 2003
  9. Evan

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    It could also be that you really do need your engine checked. Mine starts
    What da hell are you talking about? Maintenance Required light has NOTHING to
    do with engine diagnosis. That's what the Check Engine light is for.

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Oct 14, 2003
  10. Evan

    Paul Bielec Guest

    Dose Maintenance Required = check engine = could be trouble
    As far as I know, the maintenance required light is based only on the
    mileage. I guess that the dealer must be originally setting it to follow the
    normal or severe schedule.
    Normally, the dealer resets it when they change the oil. If you do it
    yourself or not at the dealer, it has to be reset manually and you'd find
    out how if you bothered to have a look into the manual you got with your
    car, you know that thick book. BTW, it is much faster to find this answer
    there than here.
    Paul Bielec, Oct 14, 2003
  11. Evan

    Guest Guest

    What is it with Usenet and rude fockers.

    Go put your head back in the toilet you pulled it out of, puke pie.

    This message was posted via one or more anonymous remailing services.
    The original sender is unknown. Any address shown in the From header
    is unverified.
    Guest, Oct 15, 2003
  12. Evan

    Dave Guest

    64 (DrPimpDaddi) spoke these words in
    on 14 Oct 2003:
    Sorry...I didn't mean to get your engine checked (I know about the other
    light). If no maintenance has been done, and that light is on
    permanently, your car is well-overdue to get checked (maintained). If the
    maintenance has been done, then the reset button was just not pushed.

    And, if that light just comes on, and stays on, without going through all
    of the blinking, that could be indicative of another problem? Seeing as
    how the manual describes that blinking happening first, I'm not sure what
    it would mean if the light just turned on permanently.

    Dave, Oct 15, 2003
  13. Evan

    Paul Bielec Guest

    And, if that light just comes on, and stays on, without going through all
    This would mean that the mechanism driving the light broken. Since this
    light is most probably driven directly by an output (DO) from the ECU. This
    would mean a short on the cables or a problem with your ECU, in which case
    you'd have a good chance of noticing some more serious problems first.
    Paul Bielec, Oct 15, 2003
  14. Evan

    dold Guest

    My 2003 Honda Civic Hybrid Owners Manual says that it starts blinking
    at 8,000 miles, and comes on solid at 10,000 miles, which it did.
    The oil change is scheduled for 10,000 miles, which I had done at a
    Honda dealer. When I got it back, the light was reset. The owners
    manual describes how to reset it.
    dold, Oct 15, 2003
  15. Evan

    Paul Bielec Guest

    If it doesn't get reset, with additional mileage, it will stay on for longer
    and, eventually, stay always on.
    Paul Bielec, Oct 15, 2003
  16. Evan

    BobK Guest

    In defense of folks who skip the manuals: Many times we open manuals only
    to find that they only specify the obvious (e.g. Put the igition key in to
    start, etc). In other words, they are useless. If the manual actually does
    have real advice on how to take care of these things, my hat's off to Honda.
    BobK, Nov 16, 2003
  17. So when something like the "maintenance required" light comes up, you
    don't even BOTHER to LOOK at the manual FIRST?

    Instead, you post to the Usenet for free help?

    There's no defense for folks who skip the manuals. Sure, the manuals
    have the basics in them. But that's no reason to skip them, because the
    manuals also have the little details in them--tire pressures,
    maintenance schedules, all the lights on the dash, how to use the nav
    system, etc.

    Just because the manual includes where to put the key to start the car
    is no excuse for skipping the manual completely. Skipping the manual
    and coming to Usenet first is just plain selfish laziness.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Nov 16, 2003
  18. Evan

    Apexmeister Guest

    On many occasions, I have showed a car club friend of mine a feature on
    his car that he didn't know about after owning it for three years.
    After I showed him, he was amazed of this neat feature. Was kicking
    himself in the but for not reading the manual exploring all the
    features of the car.

    Read your owners manuals. It can be read in a couple hours (if even
    that). Why wouldn't you want to know the all features of your car?
    Apexmeister, Nov 16, 2003
  19. Because they're selfish and lazy, and would rather come to Usenet.

    I'm going to start giving them bogus information that strands them.
    "Yeah, sure. Just pop the fusebox cover off and remove..."
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Nov 16, 2003
  20. Evan

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    Because they're selfish and lazy, and would rather come to Usenet.
    Maybe it didn't come with the car. Maybe it was lost. Maybe it was destroyed in
    the floods. Maybe it was sold on Ebay because they needed a quick $20.

    The point is, STFU, asswipe! The whole point of this NG is to share and help
    each other. If that's too much damn work for you, don't respond, shithead!
    Do you know what Rosie says about liars, they get cancer and die... so go die,

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Nov 17, 2003
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