"Maintenance Required". . .Flash . . . Flash . . .

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Evan, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. Maybe it didn't come with the car. Maybe it was lost. Maybe it was destroyed
    the floods. Maybe it was sold on Ebay because they needed a quick $20.[/QUOTE]

    If they sold their owner's manual on ebay for a quick $20, I have even
    less sympathy for them than if they just never read it.

    But if you'll notice, most of these questions are coming from people who
    say, "I just bought a new 04 Accord. How do I...." Sorry, charlie.
    Next guy who does that, gets the answer that strands him.

    Share and help each other. NOT to spoonfeed some asswipe the
    information from the owner's manual that he received with his $25,000 04

    People who want spoonfed, or who are too stupid to remember about the
    owner's manual, or who are too lazy to take ten steps over to where the
    owner's manual is, can go to hell. Let them call their dealers.

    I can't *wait* for the next guy to ask something like this.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Nov 17, 2003
  2. Evan

    Casey Guest

    Elmo P. Shagnasty said for all posterity...
    You could just ignore those posters instead of getting so worked
    up. If someone else wants to provide the answer, why do you care?


    I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.
    Casey, Nov 17, 2003
  3. You could just ignore those posters instead of getting so worked
    up. If someone else wants to provide the answer, why do you care?[/QUOTE]

    Let him suffer the answers he gets here, the selfish lazy idiot who
    can't read an owner's manual.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Nov 17, 2003
  4. Evan

    E. Meyer Guest

    Let him suffer the answers he gets here, the selfish lazy idiot who
    can't read an owner's manual.

    You have spewed enough vitriol here to have answered the guy's question
    1,000 times over. If you have some problem with this particular question,
    don't answer it.

    If I can find out what I need to know by simply asking rather than spend
    part of my life masochistically wading through the books, I know which path
    I will take. That's efficiency, not laziness.

    Now that you have announced your plans, I'm thinking the kill file is
    probably the right place for you.
    E. Meyer, Nov 17, 2003
  5. You have spewed enough vitriol here to have answered the guy's question
    1,000 times over. If you have some problem with this particular question,
    don't answer it.[/QUOTE]

    What's your problem?

    Bullshit. When you have the instruction manual in front of you and you
    haven't even bothered to consult it, that's pure selfish laziness.

    You may ask away, but don't have any expectation that you'll get the
    right answer--or any answer at all.

    Think that one through...
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Nov 17, 2003
  6. Evan

    E. Meyer Guest

    I did. You publicly announced:

    Only two things can come of this.

    1. The people who read it will put you in their kill files so they can avoid
    the BS.

    2. Some innocent slob is going to get your advertised treatment, get hurt
    in the resulting accident, find the above statement, and have all the
    evidence they will need sue you or have you arrested for intentionally
    causing harm.
    E. Meyer, Nov 18, 2003
  7. I did. You publicly announced:

    Only two things can come of this.

    1. The people who read it will put you in their kill files so they can avoid
    the BS.

    2. Some innocent slob is going to get your advertised treatment, get hurt
    in the resulting accident, find the above statement, and have all the
    evidence they will need sue you or have you arrested for intentionally
    causing harm.[/QUOTE]

    No, you really haven't thought this one through, have you.

    As for the poor schmoe paralyzed for life, I guess that's what he gets
    for choosing to ignore the manufacturer's owner's manual that's sitting
    ten feet away and instead choosing to believe whatever he's read on the

    BTW, nice touch. "have you arrested". Gee, I didn't know it was a
    federal crime to do whatever it is you're claiming I'll do. Maybe
    instead I'll countersue and have the paralyzed schmoe arrested for being
    an idiot.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Nov 18, 2003
  8. Evan

    BobK Guest

    This guy's not worth the time. Assholes dwelleth everywhere and his name is
    easy (and stupid) enough to remember and filter. Guy needs to get off the
    usenet and head back to his neighborhood bar where he belongs.
    BobK, Nov 22, 2003
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