Malfunction Indicator Light

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Peter H, Jan 17, 2004.

  1. Peter H

    Peter H Guest

    Hi all. New to this group, I guess 'cause I'm a new Honda owner. I hope
    someone here can help me with this problem.

    This is a new to me 2000 Civic. I picked it up on Thursday and it's been
    running fine since. Just last night the Malfunction Indicator Light came on
    and stayed on though. I'm supposed to go out of town for a 2 hour trip today
    and wonder if I should postpone the trip.

    I've check in the manual and it doesn't say much except to check out the gas
    cap to make sure it's on tight, which it is.

    The manual says that the problem is likely emissions related and that I
    could damage the vehicle and void the warranty if I continue to drive it.

    Any ideas?


    Peter H
    Peter H, Jan 17, 2004
  2. Peter, it's kinda of tough to think of anything if all you say is that the
    indicator came on... are there any other symptoms, anything strange with the
    car? any noises?
    Is your exaust a bit blue-ish?

    There are some very knowledgeable people (I'm not one of them :) in this
    forum, but you need to be more specific.

    Yuri Nebogatov, Jan 17, 2004
  3. Peter H

    Peter H Guest

    Ok Yuri. The car seems to be running fine. It starts fine and runs well. I
    can't say anything about the mileage, because the problem just started and
    I've also just bought it and don't have a handle on what the mileage should
    be anyway. I've only fueled the car once. I haven't noticed anything unusual
    about the exhaust. The manual says that it could be a loose fuel cap or
    emissions related. It says that I could void the warranty if I continue to
    drive it, but then says that if it was the fuel cap that I would have to
    drive it 3 times for the light to reset.....

    I've called the dealership and am waiting for a call back, but meanwhile I'm
    supposed to be going out of town.

    Peter H
    Peter H, Jan 17, 2004
  4. ====================


    It could be that the previous owner (or one of the people who test-drove
    it) had the gas cap too loose. I wouldn't worry about it except, for
    your own peace of mind, do all the usual DIY checks (although most have
    nothing to do with the MIL indication) Pop out the air filter and smack
    it on something to see if it's plugged, check coolant in the rad and
    expansion tank, tranny fluid (if auto), listen under the hood for any
    vacuum leaks. If somebody has knocked a hose off while poking around, it
    could trip the MIL. It would sound like a service station air hose makes
    when it leaks at the nozzle.

    You should also do the 'lamp check' for the dash indicators to be sure
    that all the warning lights are working, since the car is new-to-you.

    Congrats, welcome to the big family.


    'Curly Q. Links', Jan 17, 2004
  5. In that case, I would recommend not driving it - it's very unlikely that the
    problem is the fuel cap. The fuel cap can only trigger the indicator if it's
    tightened to less than 3 clicks (I'm sure you've given it plenty more just
    in case), at least that's how it is on my 98' civic.

    Yuri Nebogatov, Jan 17, 2004
  6. If you have a honda / odb II code reader, you can always check by yourself
    what's wrong, to get it off your mind

    go to, all the instructions are there....

    the reader is a usefull thing to have, even if you dont want to do any
    repairs by yourself - once your warranty is over, it may help you avoid
    getting scammed into replacing components that dont need servicing
    Yuri Nebogatov, Jan 17, 2004
  7. Peter H

    Peter H Guest

    Thanks for the useful info Curly. I'll check all that out. I had poked
    around under the hood a bit and checked the oil and anti-freeze levels.I'll
    check the air filter and tranny fluid and listen for vacuum leaks. The
    dealer finally called back and I'm taking it in on Monday. I do have to
    drive it for about an hour and a half tomorrow though. We'll see how that

    Peter H
    Peter H, Jan 17, 2004
  8. Peter H

    Peter H Guest

    Thanks Yuri
    Peter H, Jan 17, 2004
  9. Peter H

    Ducky Guest

    The only way to determine the problem is to read the code. Some auto parts
    stores will read it for you for free, AutoZone. By driving it you take a
    chance. If it is a bad O2 sensor it could damage the Catalytic converter.
    You can get code readers from the autoparts store also.
    Ducky, Jan 17, 2004
  10. Peter H

    E. Meyer Guest

    Are you sure its the MIL light? Hondas also have a "Maintenance required"
    light that simply means its time for an oil change. This is usually a
    source of short term frustration to new Honda owners.
    E. Meyer, Jan 18, 2004
  11. Peter H

    Peter H Guest

    Yeah, it's the MIL light.

    Peter H
    Peter H, Jan 18, 2004
  12. Peter H

    E. Meyer Guest

    Bummer. You're going to have to read out codes.
    E. Meyer, Jan 19, 2004
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