manual tranny

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rynniki, Sep 16, 2005.

  1. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    How do you know when the tranny is bad but not the clutch the clutch is 3
    years old and fine. also what color is manual tranny fluid i am trying to
    narrow down the orange fluid on the ground. and the fluis is not oily but
    it does have a tinge of green in it and it stains your fingers
    rynniki, Sep 16, 2005
  2. rynniki

    Elle Guest

    What year and make is your Honda? How many miles on it?

    Do you know where your car's coolant reservoir is? If so, look at the color
    of the coolant in it. If there's no coolant in it, then with the car
    COMPLETELY COOL (like first thing in the morning after sitting overnight),
    remove the radiator cap and look at the coolant color.

    Like the others are saying at, it sounds like the
    orange dex coolant and so implies a radiator cooling system leak.
    Elle, Sep 16, 2005
  3. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    its a 94 civic dx and the 128,000 the coolant in the radiator and reserve
    tank is green. so i dont know wht is orangey green color unless the
    previous owner had orange and we put green in it i have no clue but we
    will no in a couple of hours also where it the fluid was on the ground i
    squirted it off cause we have cats around here and it ate away the asphalt
    rynniki, Sep 16, 2005
  4. rynniki

    Remco Guest

    If it is greenish/sometimes orange, you probably have a cooling leak.

    You mentioned in your previous post that you see it around where the
    thermostat sensor (you meant thermoswitch?) is - I'd carefully inspect
    the hose that comes from the radiator closest to where this sensor is.

    It could be as simple as reseating the clamp/hose or replacing the
    You can probably do that yourself if you can hold a screwdriver - you
    don't really need a mechanic to fix that.

    Remco, Sep 16, 2005
  5. rynniki

    jim beam Guest

    is it water soluble? if so, that narrows it down to brake fluid or
    coolant. if not, it's engine or transmission lube.

    what does it smell like? oils have distinctive odors, as do coolant &
    brake fluid. the latter two have distinctive tastes too - coolant is
    sweet, brake fluid disgusting. a very small quantity of either won't
    kill you. don't recommend the taste test with the oils.
    jim beam, Sep 17, 2005
  6. If it attacked the asphalt it sure isn't (only) antifreeze. It has to be one
    of the other fluids - engine oil, tranny fluid... I don't know if hydraulic
    fluids (brake/clutch/steering) do that. What color does it look like if you
    blot it up with a paper towel, and does it repel water when you wet the
    towel afterward?

    Michael Pardee, Sep 17, 2005
  7. The funny thing is: I can't think of a better description. Some Brit in the
    Volvo group once described brake/hydraulic fluid as "manky" but I don't
    think that describes it any better.

    An important reminder will probably fit here - care should be used with rags
    that have much brake fluid on them. If not treated as "oily rags" they can
    spontaneously combust.

    Michael Pardee, Sep 17, 2005
  8. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    he yguys i found out what it was it was the clutch slave cylinder the nut
    wasnt tight all the way but its fine now thanks guys
    rynniki, Sep 17, 2005
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