"May Contain up to 10% Ethanol"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Runtime Error, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    indeed again.

    diesels are usually very good on pollution except for NOx. but that's
    why we have catalysts.
    jim beam, Aug 28, 2008
  2. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    no, see below.
    that's the real story. oilco's aren't going to miss an opportunity to
    sell more gasoline. mtbe was the industry's own "solution" to the
    "oxygenation problem". except that there was no oxygenation problem and
    mtbe decreased calorific content thus selling more gas using a refinery

    i think that's somewhat lop-sided. enviro's are not stupid and see that
    there's no net environmental benefit from ethanol in northern climates.
    ethanol only entered the equation when agribusiness got behind it.

    but none of those are really necessary if using a decent catalyzed
    refinery and if you remove sulfur.

    no, the tax payer takes care of that...

    and density - ethanol is much lighter and thus for a commodity sold by
    volume, not only are you getting fewer calories by energy, you're
    getting fewer calories per gallon volume. a brilliant three-way
    strategy that benefits not just one, but /two/ major donor groups if you
    think about it. the third party of course is getting rammed.
    jim beam, Aug 28, 2008
  3. Runtime Error

    Art Guest

    If we had paid more for gas when it was a buck a gallon and the extra money
    had been used for alterative fuel research we would not be in the fix we are
    in now. Handling billions of bucks over to our enemies every year.
    Art, Aug 28, 2008
  4. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    it's gross consumption that's the biggest problem, not where we get it
    from. last time i looked, and feel free to correct me on this, per
    capita energy consumption in the usa was twice that of other highly
    developed places in europe. we're supposed to have some of the
    brightest and best minds in the world here - man on the moon and all
    that - but do we apply them to energy consumption? it's like we take
    pleasure in balancing our best achievements in one department with a
    perverse desire to be incredibly dumb in others.
    jim beam, Aug 28, 2008
  5. Runtime Error

    SMS Guest

    Apparently not. The polls all show the race very close.
    Very possible, not just because of his energy policies, but because
    he'll continue to weaken the U.S. economy and the U.S. dollar.
    SMS, Aug 28, 2008
  6. Runtime Error

    Elle Guest

    I love a good dose of cynicism. :) Those not drunk with the
    fun of venting on Usenet will remember that our system of
    laws is pretty good at catching instances of bribery. Else
    we would not have such a high standard of living here in the
    good ol' US of A.

    Otherwise, terrible system. Can't think of a better one
    First, he fails to consider whether whatever reduction has
    occurred is sufficient. In certain cities, it most certainly
    is not. In cities where ethanol became mandatory, the
    difference is noticeable. Second, he overlooks that only
    three of fifty states and only a few cities currently
    require ethanol to be blended with gasoline. We get one
    poster most likely residing in a city with a serious air
    pollution problem kvetching about less polluting gas, and it
    attracts whiners like flies. Oh that nasty gubmint.

    That gubmint you elect.
    The people you elect are making a tiny portion of the
    country pay so that the air they breathe is better and
    safer. At times during the year the bad air quality is quite
    noticeable without fancy equipment to test it. I imagine how
    worse it would be without the ethanol requirements. Fact is
    EPA requirements re ethanol have made a difference in the
    few areas that still at times during the year exceed EPA
    Elle, Aug 28, 2008
  7. Runtime Error

    Elle Guest

    The EPA states that, since 1970, new cars are more than 90%
    cleaner. Unfortunately, over the same time period vehicle
    use has increased by 200%.

    Easy come, easy go.
    Elle, Aug 28, 2008
  8. Runtime Error

    Tegger Guest

    There's more to it than that.

    The federal EPA also states that the air is, 57% cleaner now than it was in
    1970, and that's in absolute terms. This in spite of a 153% (not 200%)
    increase in vehicular traffic during that time.
    Tegger, Aug 28, 2008
  9. Runtime Error

    Jim Yanik Guest

    after Carter's Windfall Profits taxes(*after* OPEC formed and put their
    squeeze(embargo) on the US),FOREIGN oil imports shot up tremendously,US oil
    production steadily dropped.

    The exact opposite of what was needed.
    BTW,more oil imported means more risk of oil SPILLS,as tankers are the
    greatest risk for oil spills,not offshore oil platforms.
    (as demonstrated by the Gulf platforms,especially after Katrina.Ocean life
    TEEMS around those platforms.)
    And we produce far more than Europe,justifying that consumption.
    what's incredibly dumb is not looking at the entire picture.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 28, 2008
  10. Runtime Error

    Elle Guest

    http://www.epa.gov/air/caa/peg/peg.pdf , dated 2007, says
    "Since 1970... vehicle use has increased by 200%."

    Fifty-seven percent cleaner since 1970 is not saying much.
    It also still grossly ignores areas that are particularly
    hard-hit and so need mandates on gasoline.
    Elle, Aug 28, 2008
  11. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    no. per capita means per person. an island with two people will
    consume twice that of an island with one person of the same per capita
    consumption. but in our case, we're an island with one person consuming
    as much as an island with two people. it makes no sense for what is
    supposed to be the most technologically advanced nation on earth.

    see above.
    jim beam, Aug 29, 2008
  12. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    no, that's bad math. if a 1970 car produces 100 pollution units and a
    2008 car produces 90% less, that's 10 pollution units. twice as many
    cars means twice as much 2008 pollution units, i.e. 20 pollution units,
    so you're still 80 units ahead.
    jim beam, Aug 29, 2008
  13. Runtime Error

    Elle Guest

    Depends on whether 20 pollution units is still a problem;
    depends on how many cars are new. Plus the premise is
    fallacious, because ethanol is not common. It is required in
    only a few parts of the country where the pollution problems
    are either (1) so serious that EPA limits are exceeded; or
    (2) so undesirable that the locals, through a voting
    process, choose to mandate ethanol. It's been a long haul in
    LA and other cities getting the pollution down to something
    bearable. It's simply not for you or anyone else who did not
    live through the heavily air-polluted years of LA and cities
    like it to spout off your issues with gubmint's imposition
    of ethanol.
    Elle, Aug 29, 2008
  14. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    not to the fundamental math of wrongly thinking 90% reduction in
    pollutants is negated by 200% increase in usage it doesn't!

    eh? what are you talking about??? it's ubiquitous across every state.
    it's federal!!!

    no, you need to get an update on that!

    you're working with 1970's data.

    1. ethanol is not required to make clean burning fuel.
    2. ethanol /is/ required to subsidize farmers and oilcos when it's
    imposed on the public, at /twice/ their expense - once from tax subsidy,
    and twice from lower mpg's.

    see point 1. again for emphasis.
    jim beam, Aug 29, 2008
  15. Runtime Error

    Elle Guest

    Down to 10 units; up to 20 units.

    Easy come, easy go.
    EPA rules apply to every place in the U.S. But not all areas
    of the U.S. exceed pollution limits the EPA sets, hence not
    all areas of the U.S. need to use oxygenated fuels.
    All this is readily available on the net. My statements
    above are accurate, though I guess you want to quibble over
    alternatives to ethanol for oxygenating.
    Elle, Aug 29, 2008
  16. Runtime Error

    Elle Guest

    Hyper-consumption of oil helped the U.S. grow to become the
    most technologically advanced. It makes complete sense.
    Elle, Aug 29, 2008
  17. Only an American would think that.

    If the US is so technologically advanced how come their autos are so
    deplorably inefficient in today's climate of high fuel prices? Is it
    because you are no quite as smart as you seem to think you are?
    Edward W. Thompson, Aug 29, 2008
  18. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    no, it's down 90, up 10. net 80 decrease.

    but ethanol is federally mandated for every state.

    no, i want to contest the validity of "oxygenating". it's b.s. to claim
    increasing oxygen in exhaust means better combustion when the oxygen is
    pre-combined and hasn't participated in the reaction, as is the case
    here. if you want to "oxygenate", add it in a form that /can/
    participate. but that would improve mpg's and thus decrease fuel sales,
    so that's not going to happen.
    jim beam, Aug 29, 2008
  19. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    eh? europe's not technologically advanced? why are their cars better
    than ours? why are their planes fly-by-wire and ours aren't? why can
    they launch 10 [civil] tons geosynchronous, and we can't?
    jim beam, Aug 29, 2008
  20. Runtime Error

    Tegger Guest

    It's not considered bribery if you give the money to
    the party rather than individual politicians, which is how
    bribes, uh, contributions are done today.


    I can. The one that existed in the US prior to 1914.
    That one doesn't exist anymore.
    Tegger, Aug 29, 2008
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