"May Contain up to 10% Ethanol"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Runtime Error, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Runtime Error

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Now you're getting into moronic "moral equivalence".
    So,there's no point in arguing further.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 29, 2008
  2. Runtime Error

    Jim Yanik Guest

    actually,the US leads the world in innovation,but we aren't so good in
    practical application of our technology,as evidenced by VCRs,autos and some
    other things. We are also the best in medical care.Foreigners prefer to
    come to the *US* for thier complex surgeries and treatment.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 29, 2008
  3. Runtime Error

    Siskuwihane Guest

    It's because US vehicles became as bloated as those who drive them.
    Siskuwihane, Aug 29, 2008
  4. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    americans head overseas for their medical treatment in droves because
    it's so over-priced here.


    we always do a few high profile headline-grabbers each year, frequently
    pro-bono work for poor foreigners. it's great for the career profiles
    of the respective surgeons and medical teams - twin separations for
    example - and it's great p.r., but the rest of the time, citizens have
    to wrangle with insurers that that don't want to cough up what they've
    been paid for, lifetime treatment expense limits, etc., so in fact, our
    standards of medical care are pretty low. check out our infant
    mortality rate ranking:


    there we are, #37 on the list, up there with buttfuck little countries
    like croatia, belarus and lithuania. and three times worse than the
    world leader, singapore.

    world leadership? hardly.
    jim beam, Aug 29, 2008
  5. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    no, i'm getting into basic math.

    and an attitude like that gets us where we are today. way to go with
    the leadership there buddy.
    jim beam, Aug 29, 2008
  6. Runtime Error

    C. E. White Guest

    "Our" 3 ton SUVs are as efficient as anyone's. US autos are so "inefficient"
    because they are so large and heavy, not because they are technologically
    inferior. Compare a Lincoln MKZ (18 City / 28 Hwy / 22 Combined) to a Lexus
    ES350 (19 City / 27 Hwy / 22 Combined). The Lincoln has more passenger and
    luggage room, is faster, quieter, AND cheaper. So which is the more
    technologically superior? Hint - it isn't the Lexus. Or throw the BMW 328ci
    (19 City / 28 hwy / 22 Combined) into the mix. It has much less interior and
    luggage room, but at least it is faster (if ridiculously over priced AND
    unreliable). Where is the technological superiority there?

    C. E. White, Aug 29, 2008

  7. Yes, I have often referred to friends that this country has become a
    giant suckling pig no longer able to feed or otherwise take care of itself.

    All this in less than fifty years!

    Begin the blame with that good ol' crook, LBJ in the 1960's.

    Grumpy AuContraire, Aug 29, 2008
  8. Runtime Error

    C. E. White Guest

    In what way? Becasue they fall apart after 5 years and force Customers to by
    new ones? Becasue they cost a lot more? Becasue they are generally smaller?
    Where did you get that idea.....Maybe our old designs (like the 737) are not
    fly by wire, but what makes you think new designs like the 777 are not? The
    US has been using fly by wire design in milatary planes since the 70's.
    Again, where did you get that idea. The heaviest satellite launched by the
    Europeans is only around 6.5 tons. Check
    http://www.boeing.com/special/sea-launch/history.htm - Boeing has launched
    similar sized satellites.

    C. E. White, Aug 29, 2008
  9. And most laws have loopholes that are intentional. Never leave it to a
    politician to preach morality.

    No one can argue that certain cities/regions have topographical
    characteristics that foster pollution. Cities like Los Angeles, Phoenix
    etc. Yet people elect to live there.

    In Austin, pollution is a minor consideration as it is in San Antonio.
    Yet the liberal politicos in Austin opted for emmissions testing even
    though such was not needed. Pollution levels here are 1/10th of what
    they were in 1990 and it was at all bad back then.

    I say that people elect where they live. I would NEVER live in
    California where most of the wackiness that inflicts this country has
    its roots.

    Ethanol is almost as big a scam as "human caused" climate change.


    (Who wonders if Bush should be blamed for global warming on Mars and
    Grumpy AuContraire, Aug 29, 2008

  10. Er, the L1011 was fly-by-wire by design...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Aug 29, 2008
  11. Runtime Error

    Siskuwihane Guest

    DC-10's and MD-11s were also FBW, not full time, but they were indeed
    FBW in certain situations.

    Boeing's present FBW systems allows pilot override in situations where
    the aircraft may need to maneuver outside it's operating envelope
    while Airbus's system does not. Whether that is good or bad depends
    on the situation.

    The Airbus A320 that crashed in Habsheim, France would have benefited
    from the ability to override the FBW computers, as it was, the a/c was
    doing what the computer was telling it to do, land. Problem was it
    landed in the trees.


    That works in reverse too. Some Boeing crashes may have been prevented
    if the computer took over and made corrections or adjusted systems
    that the pilot may have overlooked during an emergency (retract speed

    Crashes for both types are about equal.
    Siskuwihane, Aug 29, 2008
  12. Certainly not "full time." One DC-10 that broke up over Europe as a
    result of a rapid decompression lost control because the floor buckled
    and cables were rendered useless.

    Additionally, the basic DC-10 design left much to be desired including
    insufficient hydraulic system redundency which was the major cause for
    fatalities in a DC-10 that (physically) lost an engine in Chicago and
    the Sioux City crash landing of a DC-10 that lost all hydralic
    capability due to an engine failure (#2).
    Grumpy AuContraire, Aug 29, 2008
  13. Runtime Error

    Siskuwihane Guest

    That should have been MD-10.
    Siskuwihane, Aug 29, 2008
  14. Runtime Error

    Jim Yanik Guest

    no,begin with the Fabians in the early 1900's;they are the ones who began
    working to get socialists in education and gov't.
    the avalanche point came in the late 1960s.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 30, 2008
  15. Runtime Error

    Jim Yanik Guest

    so's the F-16.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 30, 2008
  16. No, these incidents are clearly documented as DC-10(s).

    Grumpy AuContraire, Aug 30, 2008

  17. Sorry, but this country was clearly the top of the heap in 1963 under
    JFK. The decline began in 1965 with the passage ot the voting rights and
    civlil rights laws during LBJ's, (who was concerned about his legacy),

    Socialism has always been a factor...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Aug 30, 2008
  18. Sorry, but you are living in the past. The USA is in decline both
    technologically and most unfortunately morally. Even more
    unfortunately, most Americans are completely oblivious of what is
    going on both inside and outside of their country and fail to
    recognize the problems they and their country have.

    With respect to medical care, perhaps some of the most respected
    surgeons and doctors practice in the USA but how many have access to
    their expertise? Precious few, as a very substantial minority of
    citizens simply are unable to afford medical care.
    Edward W. Thompson, Aug 30, 2008
  19. Runtime Error

    Joe Guest

    See, now, that's how people go about making themselves look stupid...

    Roughly 45 Million Americans do not have Health Insurance. There are
    around 300 Million Americans total. So, your statement "a very
    substantial minority of citizens simply are unable to afford medical
    care." is patently false, and probably intentional.

    The US continues to lead the world in innovation and design.
    Manufacturing and resource management have become major holes. And I
    am not sure what you mean by "morally". In that regard, the US is not
    that much different than any other Western culture...
    Joe, Aug 30, 2008
  20. Runtime Error

    Siskuwihane Guest

    No, I'm not saying those accidents were MD-10 aircraft.

    What I am saying is that I meant to put "MD-10", not "DC-10" in my
    other post.

    When I previously wrote "DC-10's and MD-11's", that should have been
    "MD-10's and MD-11's".

    Sorry for the confusion.
    Siskuwihane, Aug 30, 2008
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