"May Contain up to 10% Ethanol"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Runtime Error, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Runtime Error

    Jim Yanik Guest

    1934 NFA was one of the first major intrusions on the Constitution.
    It enacted a tax that was clearly NOT for raising revenue,but solely to
    make ownership of certain items prohibitive.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 30, 2008
  2. Runtime Error

    Jim Yanik Guest

    see who patents the most tech stuff every year.
    we also lead in new pharmaceuticals development.
    whereas in other countries,people have to wait long for or simply cannot
    get procedures readily available in the US.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 30, 2008
  3. Runtime Error

    Elle Guest

    Are there other countries more technologically advanced? I
    guess it depends on the gage used, but ISTM, with so much
    instant this and that in the U.S., it may lead.

    I do think other countries are certainly far more advanced
    on other fronts, leaving the U.S. in the dust.
    Elle, Aug 30, 2008
  4. Runtime Error

    Elle Guest

    I think it is very easy to criticize government leaders.
    What is far more difficult is offering to become a
    government leader and do better.
    Elle, Aug 30, 2008
  5. So guys...thanks for all 63 varied political, philosophical and economic

    But to refocus on my original question, WTF did my mileage drop-- starting
    with my first half-tank of Ethanol Added and increasingly reduce by about
    10% less running on all Ethanol Added-- with everything else fine (tire
    pressures, fluid levels, air cleaner, etc., etc.-- and only 9500 miles on
    the odometer?
    Runtime Error, Aug 30, 2008
  6. Runtime Error

    Siskuwihane Guest

    According to something I just read:

    "ethanol contains about two-thirds the energy content of gasoline,
    gallon for gallon.

    That means a gallon of pure, corn-based ethanol would reduce mileage
    by 30 percent and a 10 percent blend -- as Oregon now requires -- by
    about 3 percent. Gasoline can vary a bit, batch to batch, so a drop of
    2 percent to 4 percent is a safe estimate, these experts say. "

    "Experts" claim 3%, real world consumers claim 10% (according to the
    same article) so you're
    right on the money as far as getting hosed.
    Siskuwihane, Aug 31, 2008

  7. Exactly what Sarah Palen did in Alaska.

    Next question...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Aug 31, 2008

  8. That's simple... Ethanol yields less energy than does pure gas..

    Grumpy AuContraire, Aug 31, 2008
  9. Runtime Error

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I think I'd trust Palin more than I would either Biden or BHO.
    Both of those guys have proven track records;not good.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 31, 2008
  10. Runtime Error

    Jim Yanik Guest

    but still has SOME energy content,so 10% in gas is not going to produce a
    10% LOSS of energy,but some lesser amount of drop,I suspect less than 5%.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 31, 2008

  11. And, she is the only one of the four, (including McCain) that has
    executive experience.

    Her entry into the race has me no longer sitting on the fence..

    Grumpy AuContraire, Sep 1, 2008
  12. Runtime Error

    Jim Yanik Guest

    being a military officer gives a person "executive experience".
    (leadership and running operations.)
    Plus McCain has his long Senate experience.
    Jim Yanik, Sep 1, 2008
  13. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    but ethanol is also less dense, so there will be less energy content by
    volume as well as chemically.
    jim beam, Sep 1, 2008
  14. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    er, solid rear axles? leaf springs?

    like ford and chevy and chrysler? dude, we /invented/ lifetime limitation.

    only when imported and sold to dumb americans. ever been to germany?
    mercedes have plastic seats and "TAXI" signs on the roof.

    name a single airbus that's not fly by wire.

    concorde, whose technology is used extensively in airbus designs, was
    fly by wire in 1969.

    that's misleading - that's a single satellite. ariane carries a 9,600kg
    payload [that's /two/ satellites] to geosynchronous. the delta iv heavy
    can lift more, but with only two launches, and only one successfully,
    that's not exactly "operational".

    yeah. meanwhile /american/ companies are paying the /french/ and
    /russians/ to launch their satellites. that's insane.
    jim beam, Sep 3, 2008
  15. Runtime Error

    jim beam Guest

    so are /most/ supersonics - it's a control/stability thing. my point is
    that airbus is all f.b.w. boeing, the largest producer in the world, is
    only finally getting into it decades later. and that's not leadership.
    jim beam, Sep 3, 2008
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