Mechanical Question - Accelerator Hesitation

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by $uRoot, Feb 13, 2004.

  1. $uRoot

    $uRoot Guest


    My g/f has a '97 Honda Civic LX which normally runs fine (she hasn't had any
    problems out of it to speak of). Car has aprox 120K, has never been tuned

    She's telling me that yesterday she was on her way to work, came to a stop,
    hit the gas to accelerate and nothing happened. Car didn't really shake or
    seem to want to die, it just hesitated to accelerate when she hit the gas.
    After a few seconds (she wasn't sure exactly how long, guessing maybe 5
    seconds), the accelerator kicked in and the car took off. Ran fine the rest
    of the day. She says this is the first time it's ever happened.

    I'm not a mechanic, so I was wondering if anyone here who was mechanically
    inclined might have some idea what would cause this to happen - and if it's
    something she should be worried about happening again? I'm thinking
    something with the fuel injectors, but again I'm not a mechanic so it may
    have more to do with the car radio ;-)

    I'm sure at the mileage a tune up is advisable, and I plan to have that done
    for her shortly, but would a tune up prevent something like this from
    happening again?

    Thanks folks!
    $uRoot, Feb 13, 2004
  2. ============

    Her timing belt should have been done by now, based on years and
    mileage. If it hasn't been, she risks total meltdown of the engine.
    Please read the fine manual. If she's never had any 'failure to restart
    when warm' problems, it's probably not the MAIN RELAY. You could try a
    tank full of ethanol-enhanced gas to clear out any winter moisture. Does
    she park in heated parkades, by chance?

    If her timing belt has jumped a tooth, hesitation would be all the time,
    not just once.

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 13, 2004
  3. $uRoot

    $uRoot Guest

    Hi Curly, thanks for the response.

    I do know that her timing belt has been replaced. She's never had a problem
    restarting the car and she parks it out in the open. Perhaps it's a case of
    a little moisture in the tank or something like that.

    $uRoot, Feb 13, 2004
  4. Honestly with what you have told me about the car never having been tuned up
    at 120k I wouldn't even agree to diagnose the car if it came to the shop
    unless it was completely tuned up first or you paid me to tune it up and
    then diagnose.

    CaptainKrunch, Feb 14, 2004
  5. *Transmission fluid low?
    *Stuck on 4th, 5ft?

    For a second, I thought the Civic can talk.
    Ask her (the other her) if the rpm went up.
    Indiån §ummer, Feb 14, 2004
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