MIKE Hunter's smaller car thesis??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by GO Mavs, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. GO Mavs

    Bill Ward Guest

    Looks like we may need some desensitization training and consciousness
    lowering workshops.
    Bill Ward, Jul 4, 2007
  2. GO Mavs

    dbu,. Guest

    I think moe n curly is a pot head. Prove me wrong moe n curly.
    dbu,., Jul 4, 2007
  3. GO Mavs

    dbu,. Guest

    I think moe n curly is a pot head. Prove me wrong moe n curly.
    dbu,., Jul 4, 2007
  4. GO Mavs

    Jeff Guest

    Wow! You're learning to read minds like Mike Hunter. I just hope you are
    actually able to draw the correct conclusion every now and then.

    Jeff, Jul 4, 2007
  5. GO Mavs

    Jeff Guest

    Wow! You're learning to read minds like Mike Hunter. I just hope you are
    actually able to draw the correct conclusion every now and then.

    Jeff, Jul 4, 2007
  6. GO Mavs

    Jeff Guest

    None of which proves that it was not a virus or bacteria.
    Electron microscopes and atomic force microscopes can. Read about them
    on Wikipedia, if you like.
    Well, we'll have to agree to differ.

    Jeff, Jul 4, 2007
  7. GO Mavs

    Jeff Guest

    None of which proves that it was not a virus or bacteria.
    Electron microscopes and atomic force microscopes can. Read about them
    on Wikipedia, if you like.
    Well, we'll have to agree to differ.

    Jeff, Jul 4, 2007
  8. GO Mavs

    Cathy F. Guest

    Well, what else would explain it? She looked majorly peeved at first, & I
    assume knew cameras were rolling.

    Cathy F., Jul 5, 2007
  9. GO Mavs

    Cathy F. Guest

    Well, what else would explain it? She looked majorly peeved at first, & I
    assume knew cameras were rolling.

    Cathy F., Jul 5, 2007
  10. I must be miscommunicating; "the overwhelming majority of quotations
    ascribed to
    politicians are fabricated, and it is to your credit you used one that
    wasn't." That one was not.

    Michael Pardee, Jul 5, 2007
  11. I must be miscommunicating; "the overwhelming majority of quotations
    ascribed to
    politicians are fabricated, and it is to your credit you used one that
    wasn't." That one was not.

    Michael Pardee, Jul 5, 2007
  12. I'm in alt.autos.honda. Where are you?

    Snopes has only a limited selection of the verbal flubs attributed to GWB -
    it looks like they have more for Marion Barry (whom I don't support, but who
    also doesn't deserve all the spoofs gone wrong.) Ditto with John Kerry and
    everybody else who is mischaracterized:
    You'll notice even the single misquote of this selection properly attributed
    to GWB was correct in it's original form.

    Still, none of them are as juicy in my opinion as the faux pas made by
    TheAirCar as they tried to translate their promo material to english: "in
    three words: the future is now. "

    Michael Pardee, Jul 5, 2007
  13. I'm in alt.autos.honda. Where are you?

    Snopes has only a limited selection of the verbal flubs attributed to GWB -
    it looks like they have more for Marion Barry (whom I don't support, but who
    also doesn't deserve all the spoofs gone wrong.) Ditto with John Kerry and
    everybody else who is mischaracterized:
    You'll notice even the single misquote of this selection properly attributed
    to GWB was correct in it's original form.

    Still, none of them are as juicy in my opinion as the faux pas made by
    TheAirCar as they tried to translate their promo material to english: "in
    three words: the future is now. "

    Michael Pardee, Jul 5, 2007
  14. Could you enlighten us? I had an alcoholic father and an alcoholic
    stepmother, and I don't see the signs.

    Michael Pardee, Jul 5, 2007
  15. Could you enlighten us? I had an alcoholic father and an alcoholic
    stepmother, and I don't see the signs.

    Michael Pardee, Jul 5, 2007
  16. GO Mavs

    dbu,. Guest

    Larry moe 'n curly is a pot-head, he wouldn't know how to tell.

    Prove me wrong larry moe n curly.
    dbu,., Jul 5, 2007
  17. GO Mavs

    dbu,. Guest

    Larry moe 'n curly is a pot-head, he wouldn't know how to tell.

    Prove me wrong larry moe n curly.
    dbu,., Jul 5, 2007
  18. GO Mavs

    Cathy F. Guest


    Cathy F., Jul 5, 2007
  19. GO Mavs

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Our next President should be fluent
    in at least one language".

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Jul 5, 2007
  20. GO Mavs

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Our next President should be fluent
    in at least one language".

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Jul 5, 2007
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