Monotone horn

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve Weiss, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. Steve Weiss

    Steve Weiss Guest

    While honking at some idiot who cut me off in a left turn only lane, the
    horn on my 89 Accord went from a dual tone to a single tone. Is my horn
    now permanently disabled? And where is the horn? I looked around under
    the hood and couldn't find anything that looked like a horn.

    Steve Weiss, Feb 7, 2005
  2. Steve Weiss

    Brian Smith Guest

    The horns are mounted in front of the radiator.
    Brian Smith, Feb 7, 2005
  3. Steve Weiss

    TeGGer® Guest

    You've got two on either side at the front just behind the bumper. They are
    slightly different in pitch from each other, and one of yours is dead.

    Go stand at the front of the car and have somebody honk the horn. Whichever
    side you hear the sound from is the good side.

    In your case, it might also be a corroded wire that's fallen off.
    TeGGer®, Feb 7, 2005
  4. Steve Weiss

    TeGGer® Guest

    Sorry, *ONE* on either side, two in total.
    TeGGer®, Feb 8, 2005
  5. Steve Weiss

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    When this happened to my '89, it was the horn on the drivers side.
    Found out it was way easier to take the front bumper off. Remove the
    turn signal lamp housings from the bumper (look under the bumper for one
    screw location) and the attach bolts are behind them. Don't think it's a
    wire problem, I bet you need a new horn. Feed it 12 volts and you'll
    know if it's dead or not. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Feb 9, 2005
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