More on the bailout

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    I suspect once the US auto industry gets on a level field the foriegn
    companies may be in for an ass kicking.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008
  2. Sorry, you are WRONG. US auto makers do not encourage the culture of
    quality that the Japanese auto makers embraced about 50 years ago. Until
    the American automakers demonstrate they are truly commited to quality and
    not just dependent on whether the head of the company is commited to quality
    or not, there's not only going to not be a level playing field, there's not
    gong to be any play.

    And since you are obviously a UAW shill, you go plonk in the night.

    Sir Charles the Curmudgeon
    Friends don't let friends vote Democrat.
    CharlesTheCurmudgeon, Dec 20, 2008
  3. ]
    You are an ass.
    Ashton Crusher, Dec 20, 2008
  4. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Can we assume that apparently you have not seen the numerous reports that
    show many of the domestic are BEATING some of the imports in customer
    quality surveys? Have you seen the CAFE lists that show many domestics
    are as good or better than imports, of the same size, when it comes to fuel
    economy and some domestic, with V6 engines, are doing nearly as good as
    imports with only 4cy engines?
    Mike Hunter, Dec 20, 2008
  5. Were it not for this recession/depression thing we've got going, the
    ass kicking by Detroit would be pretty obvious. The two best selling
    vehicles in the US were made by Ford and GM.
    Ashton Crusher, Dec 20, 2008
  6. No, you are a major liberal ASS, and you can go to HELL, as well as Plonk,
    liberal bastard. You should be sent to Cuba to live the rest of your life
    in the People's Paridise.

    Sir Charles the Curmudgeon
    CharlesTheCurmudgeon, Dec 20, 2008
  7. I know what I've seen. 14 years ago I bought a brand new American pickup.
    10 years ago, I dumped it, literally. Quailty hadn't gone up since the
    1960's as a matter of fact I had MORE problems with the newer American
    vehicle. I currently own a Toyota of the same age as the American vehicle I
    dumped in 1998. I don' t have problems with the engine or the body, at
    least not yet. I did with the Chevy and it was less than 4 years old.
    American manufactures want their car to be less desirable so owners will buy
    a new one quicker. This is part of the DNA of the American carmakers.
    They're not going to ever give that up.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    I'm not buying a Detroit-3 vehicle ever again. And NEVER a F***ed Over
    Rebuilt Dodge.

    Sir Charles the Curmudgeon
    CharlesTheCurmudgeon, Dec 20, 2008
  8. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Naw, they will simply lower the wages of the good old boys over time
    compared to the union workers.
    Mike Hunter, Dec 20, 2008
  9. Rock Hardson

    Jim Higgins Guest

    The Detroit mindset of looking no further than about the next quarter
    or two will not be changed by the bailout. The Japanese have accepted
    near term losses for long term gain, an idea that is anathema to the
    Detroit 3 (*not* the Big Three anymore). Detroit is not too big to

    Why Detroit Is Not Too Big to Fail,8599,1867847,00.html

    The Remains of Detroit (slideshow),29307,1864272_1810098,00.html

    Detroit's "best" hope is a forced bankruptcy reorganization to change
    the outdated and lethal mindset that has done them in.
    Jim Higgins, Dec 20, 2008
  10. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    You mean like making the bigger more powerful cars trucks and SUVs that
    American buyers WANTED to buy so they outsold ALL of the import brands, who
    also started to make the bigger more powerful cars trucks and SUVs that
    American buyers WANTED to buy, over the past ten years of so that is also
    now doing in the imports?

    Detroit's "best" hope is a forced bankruptcy reorganization to change
    the outdated and lethal mindset that has done them in.
    Mike Hunter, Dec 20, 2008
  11. If that's the America you live in, Mike, your America deserves another Great
    Depression. And the Detroit-3 deserve to go belly up.

    Sir Charles the Curmudgeon
    CharlesTheCurmudgeon, Dec 20, 2008
  12. yeah, because having all that steel around you is SO SAFE.


    I mean, that's the under the radar marketing message.

    Safe, eh?

    - - - - - - -

    Child dies from crash that injured 6 others
    Saturday, December 20, 2008 3:07 AM
    By Jeb Phillips
    A child died last night after a head-on crash on the Far West Side that
    injured six others, including four other children.

    The child was riding, unrestrained, in the front passenger seat of 1999
    GMC Suburban vehicle driven by Christopher Belmonte, 43, of Grove City,
    according to the Franklin County sheriff's office. Four children were
    riding in the back seat.

    The Suburban was traveling southbound on Norton Road, south of Johnson
    Road, at 6:50 p.m. when it drove left of the center line and was struck
    by 1995 Mercury Sable traveling northbound.

    The child in the front seat was transported to Doctors Hospital and
    pronounced dead. The children in the back seat were taken to Nationwide
    Children's Hospital and are in stable condition. Their names have not
    been released.

    Belmonte, the Suburban's driver, was taken to Mount Carmel West hospital
    in stable condition. Dennis Wilburn, 33, of Columbus, was driving the
    Sable and also was taken to Mount Carmel West hospital in stable

    - - - - - - -

    Yes sir, with all that steel around him, he was just as safe as could
    be. One child died, and the others remain in critical but stable

    Meanwhile, the guy in the Sable came out of it relatively cleanly.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Dec 20, 2008
  13. Rock Hardson

    Gosi Guest

    A slow death is what is being processed.
    An ordered C7 is under way.
    GM is so bloody big that it needs to be closed down in parts.
    The cost of closing is being sent to the taxpayers.
    The question of interest is if any more cars people do not want need
    to be built.
    There is a huge surplus out there already.
    It will be interesting what comes after the collaps.
    Gosi, Dec 20, 2008
  14. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    Now how would you actually know I am wrong? Or is that just more wishful
    thinking to see American industry go down the drain. What a bunch of
    traitors the US is producing. I just hope another war doesnt break out with
    Japan or Germany then we would really be in trouble with traitors. We would
    be like sitting ducks with no Industry. What would you do then try and buy
    war vehicles from japan and germany? Idiots are like sitting ducks.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008
  15. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    By the way I have never worked for the union in my life nor do I or even
    have any family members who have ever that I know of paid union dues. So I
    have no link to them other than as Americans. What is your link to America
    other than supporting a measly $14 an hour worker who helps put together
    your prized japanese car. The bulk of your money ends up in japan, your link
    and real alliance.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008
  16. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    The Detroit mindset of looking no further than about the next quarter
    or two will not be changed by the bailout. The Japanese have accepted
    near term losses for long term gain, an idea that is anathema to the
    Detroit 3 (*not* the Big Three anymore). Detroit is not too big to

    Why Detroit Is Not Too Big to Fail,8599,1867847,00.html

    The Remains of Detroit (slideshow),29307,1864272_1810098,00.html

    Detroit's "best" hope is a forced bankruptcy reorganization to change
    the outdated and lethal mindset that has done them in.

    Another big mouth who prays for the demise of American big industry. Tell
    your grand kids about it when the US becomes another 3rd world that can't
    sustain itself by just pushing paper around.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008
  17. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    A slow death is what is being processed.
    An ordered C7 is under way.
    GM is so bloody big that it needs to be closed down in parts.
    The cost of closing is being sent to the taxpayers.
    The question of interest is if any more cars people do not want need
    to be built.
    There is a huge surplus out there already.
    It will be interesting what comes after the collaps.

    Could it be that all your wishes will finally come true? Millions of
    Americans jobless or making just $14 and hour, more foreclosures, more
    applying for welfare being paid by your taxes, the corner hot dog stands and
    other stores that supported factory workers and suppliers will be out of a
    job, and from Pa. to Ohio to Michigan will be in a state of economic
    disaster that could easily trickle across that country. You would really
    love to see that. What do you care as long as the Japanese are fat and
    Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008
  18. Rock Hardson

    Gosi Guest

    It is not my fault that GM has been stupid for decades and in a slow
    death spiral.
    I am merely an observer and I have known for years what mistakes
    management of GM is making.
    By the same token it surely is not my doing nor wish coming true now
    that GM is dead.
    GM has been making crappy products for ages and have been able to turn
    the tide for years but now it is too late.
    If anyone believes it has anything to do with my they give me more
    credit than it is due to me.
    I could have saved GM many times over a long time ago.
    I still could given the means but I do not see anyone asking me to do
    I could not care less actually I just find it amusing to watch this
    happening as predicted.
    The stupid management of GM met the most stupid president in history
    and got him to give out taxpayers money.
    How stupid does that make the general public I am sure you have worked
    out by now and that is why you are so angry.
    Gosi, Dec 20, 2008
  19. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Based on the crap you cross post to the NGs, is it any wonder NOBODY would
    ask your opinion about ANYTHING?

    Hell you would have had them building small and midget cars for the past ten
    years and Americans didn't want to buy any manufactures small cars. Even
    the impost knew that much that is why ALL the imports cars and trucks got

    I could have saved GM many times over a long time ago. I still could given
    the means but I do not see anyone asking me to do so.
    Mike Hunter, Dec 20, 2008
  20. Rock Hardson

    Guest Guest

    OK... we are getting to the crux of it all....
    Apparently, it doesn't matter what the job is worth....

    Bend over and take it like a man starts to sound like "death to the infidel
    Guest, Dec 20, 2008
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